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Saturday, May 14, 2011

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  • Multimedia
    Oct 8, 10:30 AM
    I meant quad-core package (socket) - be it Clovertown/Woodcrest or Kentsfield/Conroe.

    On a multi-threaded workflow, twice as many somewhat slower threads are better than half as many somewhat faster threads.

    Of course, many desktop applications can't use four cores (or 8), and many feel "snappier" with fewer, faster cores.

    In one demo at IDF, Intel showed a dual Woodie against the top Opteron.

    The Woody was about 60% faster, using 80% of the power.

    On stage, they swapped the Woodies with low-voltage Clovertowns which matched the power envelope of the Woodies that they removed. I think they said that the Clovertowns were 800 MHz slower than the Woodies.

    With the Clovertowns, the system was 20% faster than the Woodies (even at 800 MHz slower per core), at almost exactly the same wattage (1 or 2 watts more). This made it 95% faster than the Opterons, still at 80% of the power draw.

    You can see the demo at http://www.intel.com/idf/us/fall2006/webcast.htm - look for Gelsinger's keynote the second day.I thought so. This is the first time I have seen the term "Multi-Threaded Workflow" and I thank you for that. In the Gelsinger Keynote he calls it "Multi-Threaded Workloads".

    I'm glad to see you confirm my suspicion that the 2.33GHz Dual Clovertown Mac Pro will in fact be faster than the 2.66 or 3GHz Dual Woodie when someone knows how they work simultaneously with a set of applications that can use all those cores a lot of the time. Very exciting.

    Also thanks for the link to all those sessions from the IDF. Fantastic to be able to "attend" all of them. I'm stoked and looking forward to watching them ALL. I love all the new Intel self-promotional videos. Intel is happening and hip!

    And no premium for that "ninth" processor when you buy a 2.66GHz Dual Clovertown after all bringing the total cost to $3,699 plus ram. So now I hope there will be TWO new lines in the Processor section of the Customize Your Mac page of the online Store:

    Two 2.33GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon [Add $800]
    Two 2.66GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon [Add $1200]

    I now think I will opt for the 2.66GHz 8-core for $3,699 if Apple will offer it for sale.

    The first 8 being a little over $400 each. With the 2.66 you get 2.64GHz more total power so it's like getting a ninth processor for +$400 IOW for no premium. Maybe Apple will only offer the 2.66GHz Clovertown so as not to confuse the buyers.

    Wonder if the 2.66GHz Clovertown introduces heat issues under the hood.

    sin cara wwe wiki. The Undertaker - WWE Wiki
  • The Undertaker - WWE Wiki

  • awmazz
    Mar 11, 07:51 AM
    Japanese police are reporting several hundred bodies on a beach near Sendai so it looks like as per the Indonesian tsunami the official toll will skyrocket once the water recedes.

    sin cara wwe wiki. sin cara wrestler wiki. sin
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  • megadon
    Nov 10, 03:40 PM
    Or because it's an interesting debate that engages many minds in varying aspects of the possibilities.

    Or maybe you're just incapable of recognising the fact that Mac users, on average, are smarter than PC users.

    And by smarter, I mean we're more enquiring. We also tend not to write using lower case letters at the beginning of sentences, and use poor grammar. Why does that matter?, you might ask. Well, for a start, it's incorrect. But it's also ignorant and rude and immature.

    So, when we debate, for five minutes or for a few days, maybe the smart thing to do is pay attention. The experience may just fill in the obvious gaps in your education.

    thanks for proving me right. Facts are facts. 2 +2 = 4, there is no debate about it. It's like saying apple dominates the os market share compared to msft.

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  • robotfist
    Apr 13, 12:41 AM
    Currently I work as a producer for the NBA. If the face recognition works, that could be huge for what I do. We have to go through months and months of games pulling highlights of individual players. Currently we edit using Final Cut Pro systems. If the new system can accurately analyze faces and allow me to do a search for certain players, well, that would be friggin' awesome. I hope it works.

    sin cara wwe wiki. sin cara wiki wwe.
  • sin cara wiki wwe.

  • SPUY767
    Mar 19, 08:31 PM
    You are one of the few moral and sane individuals who I see on this server. People who see beyond this robin hood mentality that permeates the computer world like a plague. People don't seem to feel as though they have done anything wrong when they have stolen something that is not physical.

    Now I won't sit here and claim that I have never ever stolen music or software. I have downloaded my fair share of warez in my day, we all have. To deny that is to deny the very thing that makes us human. Ok, maybe not, but I'm not going to play holier than thou. Software companies, however get it, where movie companies don't. Software companies understand that they aren't Losing money by having software pirated (with the exception of game publishers, and office style software.) The fact is, that five to ten years ago, when i warezed it up, and stole a copy of say, Photoshop, and FinalCutPro 1, the software company was not losing money. Why? Because there is no way that I would have purchased the software did I not steal it. It was a zero sum game then. Now, that I use Photoshop, FCP, DVD SP, and a load of other expensive apps, (My computer is worth a third of what the software installed on it is,) for business purposes, I purchase them legally. Most businesses do the same thing.

    Recording companies should realize the same thing. I have never downloaded a song that i would have purchased could I not have downloaded it. If I like something enough to buy it, the I buy it. Recodring companies don't lose that much to file sharing for that very reason. People download music as a preview a majority of the time. Give the rate faeces that the recording companies want to release, thank god for that ability too. My rant is over, I'm getting bored.


    sin cara wwe wiki. sin cara wiki wwe.
  • sin cara wiki wwe.

  • benixau
    Oct 12, 10:41 AM
    for crying out load, who cares if a pc can do its sums better than a mac. My brother does maths better than me but i kick him in english.

    In other words if i am more productive on my mac then it doesnt matter that it might be a little 'slower' it is a faster machine because i can work faster. End of story. New Thread.

    sin cara wwe wiki. wwe sin cara face. sin cara
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  • samdweck
    Oct 7, 04:42 PM
    well then just get the heck out of here, leave, please, it may happen soon! godspeed!

    sin cara wwe wiki. sin cara wiki wrestler.
  • sin cara wiki wrestler.

  • ATD
    Sep 26, 05:41 PM
    Yep. :( I know of a peep on the OS X Maya forum that ended up buying the full version. I don't have the money for that sort of thing, so I'm not going to buy until the RenderMan Plug-in supports whatever 64-bit version of Maya is released in the future. Then I'll also be upgrading Maya. :)

    You can download the eval copy to try it out.


    Glad I didn't shell out the money thinking it was. 64 bit Maya is going to be nice, I'm think its coming when OSX 10.5 hits. I got Maya 8 but have not loaded it yet.

    BTW, I go to the OSX Maya forum once in while and have seen your name there. Is DD the one that got the full version?

    sin cara wwe wiki. wwe sin cara wallpaper.
  • wwe sin cara wallpaper.

  • roadbloc
    Apr 9, 06:15 PM
    It's all about the platform.

    Not the games then? I guess that is why the Pippin was such a tremendous success. Less than 80 games, but a great bit of hardware inside the box. Everyone wanted one. :rolleyes:

    sin cara wwe wiki. wwe sin cara unmasked. wwe sin
  • wwe sin cara unmasked. wwe sin

  • Multimedia
    Oct 12, 01:40 PM
    Forgot they are removing the cost of the pair of 2.66GHz Woodies. So the configure Processor lines should probably be only:

    Two 2.33GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon [Add $800]
    Two 2.66GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon [Add $1200]

    sin cara wwe wiki. Kane - WWE Wiki
  • Kane - WWE Wiki

  • Don't panic
    Mar 15, 09:04 AM
    I'm joking about Afghanistan. It's supposed to be an Isreal joke, but obviously you didn't get it. And I think it's funny! ;)

    Regarding the relocation, I think that would be pretty cool. Why not? If it boiled down to it, I think what I said would be pretty practical and beneficial.

    you think it would be 'pretty cool' to relocate 130 million people to some 'barren area' in a foreign land when there is absolutely no reasons for it?
    and you think it would be "practical"????

    sin cara wwe wiki. sin cara wwe wiki. wwe sin
  • sin cara wwe wiki. wwe sin

  • Sodner
    Apr 21, 01:42 PM
    This entire thread is hilarious.

    May be it's time to let the Android users in on the joke:

    You are all owners of iphones.

    Whatever is different from a real iphone is just a cover up by Apple.

    They ousted Schmitt from the board of directors and gave him the phone number for the retired dude in Mexico who was on the iphone development team.

    They then promised that guy a permanent cure from "Montezuma's Revenge" (rampant in Mexico)if he would only share his expertise on the iphone.

    Trouble is he doesn't remember all the iphone details, so what you get with the Android is an iphone with whatever he can remember.

    Some manufacturers are trying to fill in the blanks or give these things for FREE so nobody can really complain. (They do, see my sig below)

    In summary, thank you all for using iphones with different names and recognizing that ONLY APPLE put a device together you all love now .

    It makes for fun reading:-)

    Copy on dudes and Happy Easter!:-)

    Amen, hallelujah, someone pass they Tylenol. :apple:

    sin cara wwe wiki. sin cara wiki. Wwe+sin+cara+
  • sin cara wiki. Wwe+sin+cara+

  • sterno74
    Oct 26, 01:54 PM
    If it's a simple swap of processors, then I would believe the rumors. :) 8-cores, wow! Much much faster than anyone anticipated.

    I saw on one of the tech sites that they dropped a sample of the quad core xeon into the mac pro and it worked perfectly. There might be some cooling issues, but given that the quads actually run at a slightly lower clock speed, I doubt it.

    Getting lots of cores is nice and all, but we aren't going to be seeing the kind of steady speed improvements that we used to. Not everything is readily threadable, and the less effective the threading, the less advantage you get from having all those cores. I mean sure you can encode four different movies at the same time or something like that, but in a real world use case, does it matter?

    It's going to be a while before the software catches up with the hardware so in the mean time you're better off with a lower number of high speed cores than a lot of low speed ones.

    sin cara wwe wiki. Wwe+sin+cara+wiki
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  • Chappers
    Mar 13, 12:13 PM
    When pumps failed to pump in water and the back up diesel powered generators failed they ran into problems.

    If its important - have more than one backup. Risk assessment means always thinking of the worse case scenario. Pumping in sea water seems like a panic back up plan.

    sin cara wwe wiki. sin cara wiki. sin cara wwe
  • sin cara wiki. sin cara wwe

  • Amazing Iceman
    May 2, 09:27 AM
    How stupid does a user needs to be in order to install, run and then enter credit card information into an application that pops up by itself?

    sin cara wwe wiki. sin cara wiki wrestler. wwe
  • sin cara wiki wrestler. wwe

  • Kilamite
    Apr 28, 07:22 AM
    Guessing 2012 see Apple shift up again? Redesigned MacBook Pro's, retina display iPad 3..

    sin cara wwe wiki. sin cara wiki. sin cara
  • sin cara wiki. sin cara

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 28, 08:45 AM
    Will you mind if those cheap laptop sales are included in the tablet sales figures?

    Laptops are not tablets. However, tablets are PCs.

    sin cara wwe wiki. sin cara. Sin Cara WWE Debut
  • sin cara. Sin Cara WWE Debut

  • appleguy123
    Apr 22, 09:55 PM
    You're assuming truthful answers.
    Potential confounding variables still stand.

    Do you have some more reliable source? Mind reading?
    We're not making life-altering decisions here, and as such I don't think that it would be too hazardous to assume that the poll takers were being truthful.
    By this logic, every poll ever taken is not a reliable source of information.

    sin cara wwe wiki. sin cara wwe wrestler.
  • sin cara wwe wrestler.

  • jasonph
    Apr 6, 03:55 AM
    The biggest thing I miss is the ALT + <somekey> to open a menu keyboard shortcut.

    What I don't miss. Windows (inc 7) is slower on the same hardware than OS X. It also thrashes the hard drive with its virtual memory use in comparison to OS X and some of it's file handling is laughable. Even XP was better than Win7. I run all sorts of PC's but you really need a lot of memory, a quad core CPU and a very fast drive for win 7 to give of it's best. Not so with Mac OS X, almost any of the Intel Mac's are fine for most jobs (with the exception of Final Cut Pro maybe!).

    Also Stability wise OS X is much more stable than Windows and Apps rarely crash (with the exception of MS Office when it was first released!).

    As with all things Microsoft they take an idea and turn it into bloatware! Almost every MS app I have used feels bloated even Office on the Mac :(

    Al Coholic
    Apr 28, 11:59 AM
    And on the topic of laughing at OS X market share, keep on laughing. Apple is the most profitable computer company on the planet. Dell and Microsoft wish they had Apple's problems.

    Wow. A bit shortsighted aren't we? (And the Apple pom-pom squad is out in force today).

    Don't you see that all the iOS success does is point out to the Board that OSX isn't where it's at and more resources will keep going to iPads and iPhones?

    If you're a mac user is this really what you want?

    They didn't delete the word "computer" from the Apple name for nothing.

    Mar 18, 10:09 AM
    I wonder how long it'll be until Apple comes up with a fix for this?

    Apr 13, 12:19 AM
    From what I've been able to cobble together it looks like there is some very cool new stuff in FCP X. I can't wait for Apple to update its page and to actually kick the tires of the program. Hopefully it works as advertised (ex. FCP's current attempt at an 'open timeline' is nothing to write home about and the "auto correct" button in Apple Color is laughably bad) and I also hope all the helpful auto-features can be toggled on/off. For example, audio and video track assignments are a very common and very useful way to keep your timeline organized and easy to navigate around in (especially in a multi-user environment). White space is not a four letter word. ;)

    There are times when software can try to be too helpful and it ends up just getting in the way so I hope Apple considered this and gives us the option to toggle a lot of these things on/off.


    Apr 6, 11:04 AM
    Firefox. MS Excel. MS Word. Notepad. Photoshop. Lightroom. TeamViewer.

    These are a wash, you can pretty much do what you can do in Windows on the Mac. Though I would suggest a better text editor, something like Notepad++ for Windows or TextWrangler on the Mac. Some particular features of MS Office may be a bit different so you'd have to be more specific about how you use Excel/Word.

    Web development, website management, domain name management

    MS FrontPage (yep, really). Slysoft AnyDVD and CloneDVD.
    Domain Name software (Windows only).

    These may be a problem. While there may be equivalents. The fact that you are still using FrontPage may be an indication of resistance to change. Of course you could use all of these on a Mac in a Windows VM or Boot Camp install. (Or via TeamViewer on a regular PC).

    Wordpress. CuteFTP.

    IIRC Wordpress is unix based and would be perfectly at home on Mac OS X, and there is a CuteFTP version for the Mac and many other FTP clients that may be more Mac-like, like CyberDuck.

    Don't try to think - how would a PC do this, just think - if I wanted to do this how would I logically do it and you'll find that 9 x out of 10 that is the way it "just works!"

    This. Though there are exceptions. As iCole suggests taking a screenshot out of the box is a bit counter-intuitive when the keyboards lack a "print screen" button. :p However you can do that using Preview or Grab.


    Apr 15, 11:00 AM
    It seems like everyone is just ignoring all that for this hip, trendy cause.

    What are you talking about? If you're talking about the Apple employees, this issue is obviously something that's very personal, real, and long-lasting for them. It's hardly a "hip" or "trendy" thing. If you're just talking about society (or the MacRumors forum), I don't understand that either. Many people are bullied, sure. But what's wrong with focusing on this particular group? There has been a recent spate in teen suicides due to teasing surrounding their sexual orientation.

    Many people are suffering, so we shouldn't bring up the Tsunami in Japan? Wars occur all the time, so we shouldn't try to stop the genocide in Darfur?