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Saturday, May 14, 2011

short hair

short hair. This funky short hair style is
  • This funky short hair style is

  • TimUSCA
    Apr 28, 07:55 AM
    Well you have a point there. The iPod was a so-called fad too. It took 8 or 9 years for it to wear off and see fickle consumers switch to the next fad, the iPhone and iPad. The iPad-like devices may be a fad but it's likely to die out b/c a it's replaced by a next gen device. Apple is already showing it's cards in melding OS X with hints of iOS.

    I disagree. The only reason people stopped buying the iPod was because it was more convenient to have a phone and iPod in a single device. Once people started buying iOS and Android devices, they no longer *needed* an iPod.

    So the iPod didn't die down because it was a fad... it died down because technology has replaced it. The need for a PMP such as the iPod is still very much alive, just in a different form.

    short hair. Punk Short Hair
  • Punk Short Hair

  • NebulaClash
    Apr 28, 08:23 AM
    That's pretty much the definition of a fad.

    Fads refer to a period of time, not its popularity during that time. For the iPad to be a fad, it will have to lose its popularity over the next year or so.

    short hair. Short hair is rising along
  • Short hair is rising along

  • the Rebel
    Mar 20, 10:12 PM
    Personally, I stand for moral relativism every day. It is more important to me that individuals make decisions based on what they feel - individually - are right and wrong. I am glad that some here believe blindly following the "law" keeps them safe both morally and in the eyes of our fine government.

    But let me ask you this... in your soul (if you believe in such things), do you really believe it is "wrong" to purchase a song off the iTMS without DRM? I am all for breaking the "law" as long as you know the consequences.

    Those arguing for the supremacy of "laws" over moral reason simply hide the fact that they are dividing humans from one another. If you choose to abide by a law, do so. But do not confuse your knowledge of what the law states with a morally superior stance. Your morals are good for you and no one else.

    So if my morality tells me that it is right for me to kill you, then you support my choice to do so?

    short hair. short hair
  • short hair

  • makinao
    Mar 11, 02:28 AM
    As of 0730 GMT, Philippines is now under alert level 2. Its now 0830 GMT. Bracing for tsunami in the next hour.


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  • hairstyles for short hair 2011

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 24, 04:52 PM
    such that women are more likely to forget things.

    So, woman are addle-minded?

    I wouldn't wonder, they are kept barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen, all in the service of Allah. And proper schooling is only of-late, and just in certain 'forward' Islamic countries.

    I declined to read any further.

    short hair. Eva Longoria Short Hair
  • Eva Longoria Short Hair

  • econgeek
    Apr 12, 11:09 PM
    No, your ignorance of Adobe's stance in the professional broadcast industry comes off as snotty.

    It is impossible for me to display any ignorance of a topic of which I have not addressed. I challenge you to find a post from me where I use the phrase "professional broadcast industry".

    If you cannot do it, then you are constructing a lie out of whole cloth in order to attack me, because, apparently, you cannot construct a counter argument to any of the points I have made.

    I think your need to attack me proves my case beyond any need of myself to defend my point or myself.

    short hair. One Response to “short-hair-
  • One Response to “short-hair-

  • MagnusVonMagnum
    May 3, 05:19 PM
    so much for the no malware on macs myth :D
    funny how the apple fanboys are getting all defensive :rolleyes:

    Just look at the monster negative vote rating against anyone who ever criticizes Apple or anything remotely related (i.e. typical fanboy mass attack; they can't let blasphemy just go bye :D ). Frankly, I'm starting to think the lower the number on your post in most threads on such topics, the SMARTER you are. I know I usually give props to all the messages with the lowest scores since they are usually the only ones to tell the truth (kind of like listening to the Tea Party for advice; most are clueless fanatics and not much else).

    I mean just look at the number for your post. You told the 100% gospel truth. There IS malware for the Mac (even if it's not very dangerous) and pointed out the truth that most fanboys on here are getting completely bent out of shape and acting immature with their sarcasm. You were at -20 right before I hit reply in a thread where the average number is +/-2.

    If someone can find me a set of Macintosh 'fanboy free' forums (as in fanboy accounts are deleted once recognized as such, themselves being a form of spam IMO), I'd love to know about it. It'd eliminate 95% of the total worthless fluff. Just think how much extra time one would have to do other things instead of wading through a cesspool of useless junk every day. ;)

    Why do Mac users get less infections? My belief is that the users may be of higher quality, ONLY because of the computers niche-like nature and most Mac users are dedicated, technologically knowledgable.

    You must not get around much. Most Mac users I see everyday are technological neophytes. The Mac is designed to attract non-tech users so this shouldn't be a shock or anything. The difference I see is that most Mac users THINK they know 10-50x more than they actually do. Yes there are some very knowledgeable Mac users out there, but they are not in the majority by a long shot, IMO. The sheer volumes of drone-like fanboys on these forums ought to give you a clue just how bad it really is.

    short hair. short hair styles
  • short hair styles

  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 13, 12:25 PM
    Pumping in sea water seems like a panic back up plan.

    And if the sea water doesn't reach the bottom of the reactor vessel, well, gravity will cause the bottom to drop out, IF there is sufficient heat to melt the stainless steel.

    short hair. This short hair really looks
  • This short hair really looks

  • smetvid
    Apr 13, 04:32 AM
    People you seem to be missing the point that the $299.00 price is for FCP and not the entire studio package. Remember FCP was only one of many applications in FCS. I would expect the other applications to be similar priced in the app store. So in the end I think you may end up paying just as much.

    What I did find interesting is no mention of upgrade pricing for existing FCS users. How will they handle upgrades per application?

    Remember for current users we paid a small feee to upgrade the entire studio package.

    As an editor I can say this is pretty interesting. I would expect the same level of precision we are used to now under the hood. I think the main focus of this demonstration was to show the new features and how easy FCP can be now for the non tech people.

    My only concern at this point is every iMovie user now thinking they can be a pro editor with no training and very little cost. Even a 10 year old kid will be using FCP. This is going to affect the editing job market and make editors a dime a dozen. Sure talent still matters but it is going to be harder for companies to sift through 5000 demo reels trying to find that talent. Apple has pretty much turned editing into Wal-Mart.

    You might as well kiss Avid goodbye as well. I'm sure there will be die hards for the old way of editing but if FCPX can hang on to the precision of a pro editor without the complex overhead then Apple has just sent Avid yet another major blow. Adobe and Vegas are still a bit safe since they had a lot of these features for awhile now. In fact I see a lot of similarities with Sony Vegas. To me FCPX is the way Vegas should have been from what I have seen so far.

    Perhaps Avid will finally wake up and overhaul their entire interface the way they should have 4 years ago already. Avid had the opportunity when they bought Pinnacle Liquid to have a NLE with background rendering and other newage features but they killed it in favor of their dinosaur. The new FCPX is what Liquid could have been if development would have kept going.

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  • short hair styles for women

  • Povilas
    Oct 7, 12:03 PM
    Android is a mobile OS. iPhone is a device. Android is and will be used in many devices by many manufacturers. iPhone is only one device, but if you add iPod Touch which runs the same OS I don't think Android can surpass it by 2012.

    short hair. 2009-pixie-short-hair-trends1
  • 2009-pixie-short-hair-trends1

  • javajedi
    Oct 8, 04:39 PM
    I completely agree. As a software guy myself (maybe I'm a bit biased :)) I think the real magic is software. I think most would agree with me that Apple has a rather "unique" approach to software engineering, that sets it apart from the rest of the pack. Afterall, this is the biggest reason we use Macintosh. In my opinion, this is much more important than speed.

    short hair. hairstyles for short hair
  • hairstyles for short hair

  • likemyorbs
    Mar 27, 09:18 PM
    You might want to learn a little about Courage, Fr. John Harvey's apostolate to people who feel same-sex attraction. His organization believes sexual orientation can change. But Courage doesn't try to change anyone's sexual orientation. Fr. Harvey and his colleagues try to help people who feel same-sex attraction live holy, chaste, celibate lives.

    But why should they have to be celibate just because some religious nuts have a problem with them? His organization can do whatever they want, but the point of organizations is to try to improve life for the future. And making gay people celibate will not be the way of the future, i can promise you that. Actually, it's not even the way of the present, only unintelligent people would want to do that.

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  • dante@sisna.com
    Sep 12, 07:10 PM
    You do recognize that there is not currently an HD system in place from Apple. If HD streaming does work, and I'm certainly not convinced of that at this point, you still have to shoehorn the entire system. The content you purchase from iTunes is not in HD and probably won't be for at least a year, probably 2-3. Therefore, the only HD content will be content that you added on your own, via 3rd party solutions.

    So enjoy your patchwork HD system, I'd prefer something more seamless, and supported by Apple.

    I am a video editor. All the content I shoot these days is High Def. My client's video is high def. The personal movies I take of my kids are high def. I edit them in either Final Cut Pro HD or iMovie HD. I use a dLink 550 now to stream high def to my 27 LCD monitor.

    BlueRay disks are soon to be high def. The iTV will handle High Def via ethernet at least.

    High Def Broadcasts exist right now in SLC.

    Not sure where you are at with all this but I view a lot of high def content.

    short hair. This short hair
  • This short hair

  • Clive At Five
    Sep 20, 05:22 PM
    I just wanted to point out that "hard drive" is an extremely generic term when it comes to layman's terms regarding computers. [...] I have users that refer to the entire COMPUTER as the "hard drive". There is a very good chance that Iger knows very little about computers and could simply be miscommunicating what he means.

    I whole-heartedly agree.

    I find it higly unlikely that there's a physical Hard Drive in the box that amounts to anything more than the UI and/or chache/buffer.

    There's absolutely no need and would complicate the equation indefinitely, especially concerning digital rights.

    Let's assume Iger is right, though, that there IS a HDD in the TelePort (or as you infidels call it, iTV), and that it can act as a stand-alone media access point. The question remains, how would you be able to get media onto it? Either 1) it comes with some sort of operating system which allowed you to connect it to iTS for content, or 2) it could be detected by a Mac or PC as a computer/HD over the network in order to drag-n-drop media.

    Option 1, I think, is too far-fetched and risky. There would be substantial reliability issues using HDs that small to run an OS. We've all heard many nightmare-ish stories about people trying to bring their home computer to work, booting via iPod. Nonetheless, this seems like the most likely option for the use of a HDD.

    Option 2, if this is the case, you already have a full-sized (i.e. reliable) HDD in your computer, which is connected to the internet, (i.e. iTS) for content. Why would you even need a HD in the box? Basically, Apple would be spending money on MicroDrives which don't have a reliable life-span and take up valuable space inside the box and for what? So that you can have an identical copy of a 1GB movie on both your Mac and your iTV box? As long as streaming works, there's no need. As long as streaming works, there's no need. As long as streaming works, there's no need!

    PLUS, with iTunes DRM, you are limited to the number of copies you can make on devices you own. So an HD in the iTV would eat up one of those copies for any of the media you would choose to load onto it.

    I do think, however, it would be likely to allow it to connect to .Mac, although streaming from the net is slower than from within an internal network... and on top of that, I don't know many people who store full-length, full-quality movies in their .Mac storage. In fact, I don't know any.

    So, that's why I think there will be no HDD in the TelePort.


    short hair. short hair 2011 women.
  • short hair 2011 women.

  • Liquorpuki
    Oct 7, 06:44 PM
    And how does carrier matter at all in your argument. Sorry but that entire augment there has no meaning in this debate.

    You were arguing in your little list that having to jailbreak their iphone is gonna make users want to migrate to Android phones. Jailbreaking is basically hacking and phones are hacked because functionality is crippled. I'm pointing out that Android phones can have the same problem, especially if they come out on carriers such as Verizon, which goes further and also cripples hw features iPhone users take for granted.

    The iPhone platform has some significant variations. Location precision (lack of GPS), microphone or speaker existence on the touch, existence of MMS, CPU speed between models, amount of RAM (a potentially big problem for game makers).

    The context isn't how many variables exist but how many variables devs have to deal with. iPhone app developers have to deal with much less than developers on decentralized hardware platforms. WM developers have several different OEM's to deal with as well as all their models and generations thereof. If you can't see how the complexity translates into a harder development process, I don't know what to tell you.

    Really. Do you have an example of an app bricking a WM phone

    I had a couple apps brick my i730 back when I was on Verizon. I ended up having to hard reset and resync all my contacts.

    Verizon doesn't cripple their smartphones. Even their GPS is unlocked now

    the folks at the Verizon forums disagree with you

    So you admit that it's hobbled in its stock form? ATT / Verizon / Sprint don't block any apps you want to use on their smartphones. Or themes. Or anyt

    First most phones I've seen are hobbled in its stock form, not just the iPhone. But personally I think the quality of the iPhone and all the other things the design engineers got right outweighs the fact I have to jailbreak it to put a 5x5 matrix of icons on my screen out the box.

    I hate AT&T service here in LA and I hate the fact I can't tether but I put up with it because it's such a good phone. I don't care that Android or Sprint doesn't screen apps because to take advantage of that, at this point in time I'd have to downgrade to a shttier phone and go to an app store that has less than 25% of the apps Apple does, and ironically, because they don't screen, more of them suck

    The iPhone's Bluetooth was crippled to begin with... and still is. The original iPhone will always lack GPS

    Crippled means the hw is functional but was disabled by the carrier or MFGer. An iPhone that wasn't designed with a GPS chip is not crippled. An iPhone having a fullly functional GPS chip that won't work without purchasing Telenav is crippled.

    short hair. Wearing a short hair would not
  • Wearing a short hair would not

  • toxic
    Apr 5, 10:44 PM
    forgot to add that the "+" (maximize) button is wildly inconsistent in its function.

    maximizing to full screen in general isn't the way OS X "works", which is why most programs don't do that...but it seems Apple never really decided what the maximize button is supposed to do.

    What if I just want my top 10 favorites? In Windows I just drag the icon (of whatever I want) to the Start button, then drop it into the list of my favorites (I'm not sure of the actual term for this). Can this be done on a Mac?

    Since I open the same 10 or 12 programs or folders or files many times throughout the day, every day, this is pretty important to me. It would absolutely mess up my work flow to lose this feature.

    that's what the dock is for... you put your most common applications in the dock, everything else is in the Applications folder, accessible from the dock.

    I'm was a complete Mac virgin when I switched a couple of months ago but some of the small things that still annoy me.

    1. Pressing delete when you've selected a file in finder doesn't delete the file. You've gotta use the context menu or <gasp> actually drag it to the garbage.

    cmd + delete

    3. There's no ".." button in finder(i.e. go one level up a directory structure)

    cmd + up

    4. Not having an actual uninstall program procedure kind of makes me paranoid.

    all necessary files are contained in the application package, any files that go somewhere else are just saves or preferences. the exception is for certain programs, like Adobe ones, where the developer is too lazy to rewrite their code so that all the necessary components are in one place.

    short hair. Cute short hair layered style.
  • Cute short hair layered style.

  • AJsAWiz
    Jun 13, 06:06 PM
    I blame the iphone. Its a hog and kills atts network. If it was a diff phone this wount be happening. Apple needs to make it work with the network better.

    Not sure what's going on with AT&T. I've carried another (not an iPhone) phone around with me for 2 days. My 3GS iPhone consistently has either no bars or fluctuating low bars while the other AT&T phone gets strong signals in the same area. The other phone does not access the 3G network though. AT&T has been no help.. Apple suggested that I replace my sim card so I'll see if that helps with signal strength and dropped calls.

    short hair. Curly Hair Cut Short
  • Curly Hair Cut Short

  • portishead
    Apr 12, 10:48 PM
    So this is basically a jazzed up Final Cut Express and the pros have been shown the door. Why am I not shocked about this. :mad:

    Someday I'll tell my kids that Apple was the company for pros to which they will laugh in disbelief; kind of how I do now when old people tell me that American cars were once high quality.

    Seriously, just stop talking and go somewhere else.

    short hair. for Short, Long Hair
  • for Short, Long Hair

  • rasmasyean
    Mar 14, 06:49 PM
    I forgot the name of the project but they are looking at using advanced high temperature superconductors to carry power from like some "mega power plant" type of setup.

    EDIT: memory a little off. Tres Amigas Superstation is supposed to connect and share distributed power.


    Oct 25, 10:22 PM
    If it's a simple swap of processors, then I would believe the rumors. :) 8-cores, wow! Much much faster than anyone anticipated.

    Nov 1, 01:20 PM
    Just who will write the programs for all this parallel processing? It's not simple and full of crashes as one core competes with memory etc. I believe it will be a long time before programming will catch up to these processors. That doesn't make them worth the money just yet.;)

    Evidently you haven't read the myriad of posts in this thread regarding multi-threaded workflows... :rolleyes: :cool:

    mac jones
    Mar 15, 03:04 AM
    I would really like to know the worst case scenario. Everyone has a different idea about what this is, so in effect, there's no way to know. Imagination is not a comforting substitute for facts.

    Mar 18, 12:31 PM
    Peoples stupidity ITT is hilarious.

    I RARELY crack the 2GB level on my unlimited data plan. I usually tether about 2 days a week for a few hours. I work at a job with a ton of downtime. I spend that downtime browsing forums. If ATT takes away my tethering ability (no way in hell Im pay an extra $45 to tether) I will then have to spend that downtime watching netflix which is going to use A LOT more bandwidth than browsing forums on my laptop.

    So those of you not bright enough to realize that for many they will be using MORE data need to use that head of yours a little more.

    Its funny that in your guys minds that its better for someone to use 15GB a month watching netflix/streaming pandora etc. than it is for me to use 2GB tethering.

    Feb 15, 03:05 PM
    I can believe this, but only since the Android OS is open source. This means companies are making phones with their OS, not because its better. The iPhone is the superior phone, but Google is doing a great job at making the Android available to the masses.