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Monday, May 9, 2011

Omnibus De Mexico

Omnibus De Mexico. Caminante Omnibus de
  • Caminante Omnibus de

  • CrackedButter
    Sep 19, 04:29 PM
    As I stated in a few posts up I'm not that happy with the pricing of the iTunes Movies, but, if I were to buy any I would quickly run into a huge problem - STORAGE! I have an iBook with 60 GB drive and it's almost full from other stuff.

    Apple should come out with a home storage network server with RAID, etc.

    Err, buy an external HD or upgrade your iBook HD!

    I have a 1Ghz iBook with a 80GB HD (upgraded it myself) and 2 160GB firewire HD's so what was your point?

    Omnibus De Mexico. Omnibus de Mexico | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
  • Omnibus de Mexico | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

  • DavidLeblond
    Aug 28, 01:31 PM
    my cat has told me that there will be a 23" chin-less iMac with the new Core 2 Duo chips, 1gig std, wireless kbd and mouse std. Or he is just hungry - hard to tell just what he is saying but he has friends in high places (trees mostly)

    still heres hoping he's spot on

    I'm hoping he is too!

    My cat told ME that there will be Merom based iMacs released tomorrow. That, or she wants fresh water. I'm not sure which.

    Omnibus De Mexico. Omnibus de Mexico / Servicio
  • Omnibus de Mexico / Servicio

  • callme
    Mar 29, 01:15 PM
    They had 2.9% of the worldwide mobile phone market for 2010.


    Thanks for that, I wondered what the latest figures were.

    I'm sure Apple are thrilled with those numbers (I mean it).
    At the profit margin they make on iPhones they will be happy with that sort of figure for years to come.

    Omnibus De Mexico. omnibus de mexico
  • omnibus de mexico

  • DocNYz
    Apr 24, 03:15 PM
    I just hope they manage to keep it as cool and quiet as our current mba 11" (1,6 Ghz C2D)... I prefer quiet computing over ultraspeed in a mba, for shure!

    Yeah it should be, there's no hard drive to make noise and unless you keep it on a stove or do insanely heavy processing you shouldn't hear the fan either.

    Omnibus De Mexico. Omnibus De México MP Multego
  • Omnibus De México MP Multego

  • alust2013
    Apr 25, 12:06 AM
    Technically I was only 20 over the limit (I'm in Michigan). Also, radar detectors are a great thing:)


    Because that makes it safe.

    A side note: It's under no circumstance appropriate to try to cause a wreck for someone driving slow. That's what causes road rage. Do it to the wrong person and you get killed. I would have just been nice and reported your plates to the police. I wouldn't have likely brake checked, but that's a different point.

    Omnibus De Mexico. México, Omnibus de Mexico,
  • México, Omnibus de Mexico,

  • *LTD*
    Apr 28, 10:22 PM
    Did you forget that Microsoft is what got the pc world to where it is today?

    They did. And boy, does it show! Part of the reason Apple has done so remarkably well for years now.

    Omnibus De Mexico. CV ( Omnibus de Mexico )
  • CV ( Omnibus de Mexico )

  • izzle22
    Oct 12, 08:25 PM
    Yes, I'm sure you came to that conclusion after spending countless hours with the man, learning about him, talking with him, and generally getting to know him on a human-to-human level.

    Cuz, if you're just saying that he sucks as a person without having done that, it would mean you're a very sad and judgmental person who should spend much less time worrying about celebrities.

    So its a good thing you got to know him before you said that, otherwise it is you who would suck.



  • Joshuarocks
    Apr 19, 10:59 PM
    See the roll eyes after his post, I think he was being sarcastic.

    While I agree with not listening to corporate run media, you are severely misguided if you believe the BBC is quality journalism.

    Watch John Pilgers "The war you don't see" to see just how they think they should report what world leaders say. It's shocking.

    John Pilgers? Does he reside in the US? Does he have a website?

    Omnibus De Mexico. Omnibus De mexico
  • Omnibus De mexico

  • SethEarl
    Sep 13, 12:18 AM
    Does anyone else think something more might be coming? With the price drop of both models and the lack of drastic changes ie the rumored full screen, bluetooth, and virtual click wheel?
    Could there be a "one more thing..." next week?

    Omnibus De Mexico. Omnibus de Mexico | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
  • Omnibus de Mexico | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

  • Dmac77
    Apr 25, 01:39 AM
    Wirelessly posted (iPhone: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8A293 Safari/6531.22.7)

    And then there's a thing called the speed limit. Doesn't matter if she did 45, 55, or 65. She's still in the right.

    You're getting your 16 year old, testosterone panties in a twist yet you admit that you went over the speed limit that you cherish so much by at least 20mph. You admit you (but not in so many words because you have that 16yo complex of I gotta be right) drove recklessly all to teach a lesson that is really not yours to teach. That is for the highway patrol and driving school.

    Regardless of what your inexperienced mind may believe, she was in the right and actually doing nothing wrong. She was traveling the speed limit. She was minding her own business until a little 16yo know-it-all comes along driving with minimum experience and equally inexperienced driver next to him.

    Unfortunate for you this seems to be a running trait in your family. Inexperience. Just because your uncle is a sitting judge doesn't make him a god. On the contrary, he's as idiotic and inexperienced as you.

    Now kid, no matter how much you slap those jaws of yours together you are wrong. We don't care that your mommy was sitting next you or that your uncle is the judge. Go ahead a drive however you want. Frankly I see your kind every day on the road.

    I'm that guy over in the left lane driving 70. I'm that guy you have to race up to and ride my bumper and zoom past me flipping me off.

    But I'm the guy that's laughing at you because honestly at the end of the day, you are just a little 16yo with a giant ego stuck up your rear.

    You're also the guy that will wreck his car because I force you to, and you're also the guy that I will then sue to pay for my deductible and any applicable medical costs. And I'm the guy that will laugh in your face and say "gonna move for me next time?" as I walk out of court and you cut me a check.

    I'm sorry, but if you're the guy that goes 70mph in the fast lane and refuses to move, you are at fault for what ever I chose to dish out to you, for not having the common courtesy to move your car.


    Omnibus De Mexico. y un Omnibus de Mexico,
  • y un Omnibus de Mexico,

  • MentalFabric
    Aug 24, 04:28 AM
    I'm suprised no-one has suggested this yet, but picture this:

    1. Creative rebrand their existing headphones etc. "Made for iPod" and start creating new iPod accessories.

    2. "In order to make fuller use of those iPod accessories", Creative licenses the iPod connector port in exchange for AAC and iTMS support�

    It could have been apple's plan to stay solo until Microsoft became involved, and then license fairplay

    Omnibus De Mexico. Grupo Omnibus de México
  • Grupo Omnibus de México

  • fowler.
    Mar 23, 05:06 PM
    DUI checkpoints are basically "anything illegal" checkpoints these days. They check for insurance, suspended licenses, etc. This information should be available to anyone, in any form, as long as the law says it's legal.

    Omnibus De Mexico. de central de omnibus
  • de central de omnibus

  • guzhogi
    Sep 19, 01:41 PM
    Hmm. Lets see $1M in a week, 52 weeks in a year, yup - that's about $50M. Wow - that dude is a genius!
    Just wait. I have a feeling that once people get used to buying movies off of iTS, they'll convince all their friends to buy more movies and those friends would convince their friends and so on. I wouldn't be surprised if they sell 50m w/in 9 months. Hopefully, people will like the movies.

    I hope that the iTV would someday get DVR capabilities like saving episodes on TV. Also, I'd like iPods to have radios & Airport built-in too.

    Omnibus De Mexico. Omnibus de México interior
  • Omnibus de México interior

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 19, 10:47 PM
    The Beatles did this to Apple, oh wait, they had Apple Records and the Apple logo for over 5 years before Apple Computer existed. But I'm sure that is overlooked.

    As I mentioned in the other thread, you might actually want to take a look at the Apple Records logo before you make silly arguments that the Apple Computer logo is a copy.

    And as cmaier clearly explained to you, this is a different scenario entirely as they were in two completely different industries at that time.

    Oh, and what do the Beatles have to do with partnering technology companies turning around and stabbing their partner in the back? Nothing.

    Omnibus De Mexico. Omnibus de Mexico, Almex.
  • Omnibus de Mexico, Almex.

  • Eidorian
    Jul 14, 12:26 PM
    What? You said the word Merom but didn't include a link to the guide? :p

    Well anyways, if Apple could get Conroes into iMacs it would be great. A challenge I know (and I still personally think it is more likely to be a Merom iMac) but it would help to be that little bit more competitive. The rest is pretty much predictable, Merom for MBPs and eventually MacBooks and Mac Minis. Woodcrest for Mac Pro and MacServe (Macs in everything right ;) ). iMac's future is a big ?.Yeah, if they can fit a Conroe into the iMac, more power to Apple. I just hope it doesn't turn it into the blast furnace my iMac G5 was.

    From what I can tell Merom is just a Conroe that can operate at a lower TDP. They're all just fabricated off the same piece of silicon. (Someone posted an image on this.)

    Omnibus De Mexico. You#39;ll love it! Omar and I at
  • You#39;ll love it! Omar and I at

  • drlunanerd
    Sep 2, 04:55 PM
    I think it's pointing to Apple not bothering with the Paris Expo anymore. Their disinterest started last year, and unfortunately I was there at the time, altough Mr Jobs did show up for a press conference and checked out the Sony stand, ha.

    I had a better time at the London Mac Expo. Apple should make product announcements here from now on :D

    Omnibus De Mexico. Omnibus de México
  • Omnibus de México

  • cube
    Apr 22, 12:25 PM
    True, but I doubt Apple will put them in their machines and/or peripherals. I'd love to keep a third offsite backup of my information with BDXL, and I can with 3rd party hardware.

    I think one of the biggest things holding me back though is the price of the discs.

    BDXL is very new. There's just one drive model.

    After they are done adding layers to BD, it will be time for the holographic disks.

    Omnibus De Mexico. a Omnibus de México,
  • a Omnibus de México,

  • dazzer21
    May 3, 11:36 AM
    ...that if each Thunderbolt port can support six daisy chained pieces of kit, if each one of those was a TB-equipped 30" monitor, we could have a 27" iMac with a 13-screen setup and 387" of screen real-estate?!! I need to buy a bigger house!!!!

    Actually, I think I'll just jump back in and say that it's a flippant remark, before someone flames me by saying that the graphics card won't be up to it...

    Omnibus De Mexico. EL OMNIBUS DE MEXICO EN UN

  • cwt1nospam
    Mar 19, 01:25 PM
    I hope you're getting paid well to post this crap. Still, don't you feel dirty having to post references to obsolete "malware" like Leap-A and Inqtana-A that were never successful even before the OS was patched years ago?? And while no OS is completely secure, hence the need for software updates, those updates mean that AV software can at best be helpful for a few weeks, and that is very optimistic.

    You need to face the fact that AV software adds no security benefit to the Mac OS. On the contrary, it can be used against the system because it needs to be trusted by the system. There simply is no point in spending time or money using a "security" product that makes your system less safe.

    As for USB3 vs Lightpeak, your pitiful response makes me think you were one of the pinheads criticizing Apple for dropping floppy drives at the turn of the century. Sure, there are few Lightpeak drives at the moment, but so what? Lightpeak will be cheaper and much faster. When merely depends on how quickly it's adopted. If it were up to your logic we'd still be using parallel ports and scsi drives.

    Apr 25, 01:34 PM
    Mac rumors are like busses. You wait forever for one to come along and then several pop up at once.

    Mar 30, 11:59 AM
    Microsoft is turning desperate a lot slower than I thought they would.

    Apr 22, 06:42 PM
    time to get the purchase order put in the system :)

    Apr 4, 12:42 PM
    I know. And heroics by gun toting civilians is mostly a product of fantasy as well. The idea of whipping your gun out to save the day is absurd. Most shootings occur with no warning. If you were always hyper-vigelent and ready to brandish your gun, you would likely be a danger to those around you.

    And that is precisely why people who have concealed weapon permits are trained in the legal ramifications of carrying a firearm in the public arena. We don't carry firearms to "save the day". We carry firearms to save our lives. Legally, I cannot get involved in a shooting that doesn't directly involve me.. I have no idea what is going on and could just as easily be shooting an undercover cop as a miscreant.

    Sep 3, 07:22 PM
    This may be a really dumb question, but when the new MBP comes out, do y'all think it'll stay aroudn the same price range or increase?:confused:
    Typically you get an upgrade and no price change. Sometimes the price even goes down.
