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Monday, May 9, 2011

Manifestation En Tunisie

Manifestation En Tunisie. manifestation-tunisie-depart-
  • manifestation-tunisie-depart-

  • Nuvi
    May 9, 02:12 AM
    But I just got the email notice that mine/ours is just about to renew, too. To have it become free for new users in a week, or a month, even, would be somewhat of a bite . . .

    I'm sure it won't be full MobileMe if its ever going to happen. I'm betting my money on Apple lowering the price but in that case the old subscribers get extra space.

    Manifestation En Tunisie. manifestation-egypte-tunisie-
  • manifestation-egypte-tunisie-

  • KnightWRX
    May 6, 07:37 AM
    Microsoft isnt switching over to just ARM. They're just making Windows compatible on ARM. For their Windows 8 Tablets most likely.

    Bingo, surprising it took 10 pages for someone to point out the obvious. It was starting to get funny reading about "Windows 8 on ARM!" as if that points to anything as far as laptops/desktops go.

    It's not like Windows running on something other than x86 or x86_64 is surprising anyhow. Windows NT had ports to PPC, MIPS, Alpha and more recently ia64 during it's long history (that dates back to 1993).

    Manifestation En Tunisie. Nouvelle manifestation
  • Nouvelle manifestation

  • Chris.L
    Nov 2, 01:55 PM
    I've never heard of this company -- are they reputable, does anyone know? I've heard all sorts of stories abut these types of things being spyware or some such, don't want to pollute my Mac with any of that garbage!

    You're joking right?!

    They are the one of the biggest security product vendors!

    I have installed this, no slow down and it doesn't get in the way.

    I have it installed as I frequently share files with Windows users and don't want to be a carrier.

    Manifestation En Tunisie. Manifestation à Tunis
  • Manifestation à Tunis

  • Sam*
    Jul 21, 03:08 PM
    i think the macbook should get the chips with 2 MB of shared L2 cache,

    and the pro's get the chips with 4 MB of shared L2 cache

    There will be then a difference between the two models (is having 4mb of shared L2 cache a lot better than 2mb? i have no idea but i presume it is)

    or perhaps just let the blackbook have the 2.0ghz chip with 4mb of shared l2 cache to compensate for them charging for colour

    Manifestation En Tunisie. Tunisie : Manifestation réelle
  • Tunisie : Manifestation réelle

  • adbe
    Mar 29, 02:29 PM
    Note that MS is dropping the standalone Zune hardware, and moving the Zune interface into Windows Phone 7.

    The Zune was a market flop though, and MS need to focus their efforts if only tp stop the shareholders from getting antsy.

    If your phone can do it all, why make standalone music players?

    Because there will always be cases where for whatever reason one might not want or need a phone.

    Manifestation En Tunisie. une manifestation à Tunis,
  • une manifestation à Tunis,

  • aarond12
    Nov 22, 03:35 PM
    im pretty sure thats what steevie boy has in mind ;)

    I never buy "locked" phones anymore. Yeah, unlocked ones cost more because they're not subsidized by the cell phone companies, but if service sucks or I go overseas (which I frequently do), I can get another company's SIM and put it in my phone. Voila! It works!

    I have a Sony/Ericsson W810i with 2GB memory card. Its tiny screen only allows 176x144 video (MPEG-4 or 3GP at 30 frames per second), but that also becomes an advantage. Full-length movies at that screen resolution only take up 150-200MB. I use FFMpegX to compress movies for my phone.

    The phone also has a 2 megapixel camera with true autofocus and macro, and plays MP3 and AAC/MP4 audio files with its built-in speaker or outstanding earphones. It has a FM radio with RDS, plays Java games, has Bluetooth and can be used as a Bluetooth controller/mouse or modem on Macs and PCs, it supports EDGE high-speed Internet, it can run the Java version of Opera but it also has a decent built-in browser, and is fully supported by iSync. And it's tiny.

    Okay, Apple... that's your yardstick. Come up with somethings significantly better. I know you can do it.


    Manifestation En Tunisie. Manifestation à Tunis le 19
  • Manifestation à Tunis le 19

  • Scottgfx
    May 6, 01:14 AM
    And putting ARM as a secondary processor so that Macs can run iOS apps? There's absolutely no need...

    Trying to graft an ARM processor into an Intel based system seems like a lot of added complexity. Apple doesn't like making things more complicated. Think of how simple and small the logic board is in the iPad.

    A ton of design decisions... How do the ARM chip and Intel chip share memory? Do we instead give each separate memory pools? Communication between the two chips... at what cost to performance? Who gets control of the display at what times? I very seriously doubt that a hybrid system will transpire unless Apple has developed some "secret sauce" for dealing with this problem.

    Do these two architectures even use memory in the same way?

    Manifestation En Tunisie. TUNISIE - Manifestation contre
  • TUNISIE - Manifestation contre

  • wordoflife
    May 2, 08:57 PM
    In school we do stuff in metrics because its "the international system" but anyways, it would be too hard/annoying to just start using it. People in the US are more familiar with a foot rather than a metre, and thats just gonna throw everyone off.

    Manifestation En Tunisie. Manifestation de soutien aux
  • Manifestation de soutien aux

  • Makosuke
    May 6, 05:10 AM
    I'm not so much joining in the discussion as publicly recording what I think is going to happen in a few years based not really on this prediction, but the way things are going in general, so that I can point to this post in a few years and either say "I told you so" or "look how clueless I was."

    I think this prediction is right, at least in general terms, and while to hardcore geeks it may sound like a terrible idea, I doubt it is, and it makes a great deal of sense to Apple. That said, I expect Apple will continue to sell "pro" systems of some sort based on Intel chips for the foreseeable future, to cover the developer/Photoshop-jockey/video-editor market. They're just not going to sell all that many of them.

    This is why the ARM transition will not be like the Intel transition (and remember we're not talking about something happening tomorrow):

    For one thing, two years is a lot of time at the rate the ARM architecture has been advancing. Predicting anything about how fast the chips will be in 2013 (or how much Intel will have advanced by then) is difficult.

    In the quarter the G5 Power Mac first shipped, back in Apple earned $44M on $1.7B in sales, and shipped 787K Macs. In the quarter the first Intel iMacs shipped, in Apple earned $410M on $4.36B, and sold 1.1M Macs.

    In the most recent quarter, Apple's profit was $6B--more than their gross in and almost as much as the entire company's gross for all of 2003--on gross income of close to $25B. They sold 3.76M Macs, and more notably 4.69M iPads and well over 20M small-screen iOS devices. They also have something like $65 billion sitting in the bank, which is ridiculous.

    Contrast this with Intel, which in the last quarter was doing extremely well, with gross of $12.8B and net of $3.16B. Or, for that matter, IBM, which had revenue of $24B and earnings of $2.9B.

    In Apple was a relatively small-time player that got IBM to design a wicked-fast custom desktop CPU. In 2006 they were a somewhat larger company mostly on account of selling a lot of iPods, and weren't in a strong enough position to get IBM to do what they needed with the PPC architecture to the point it could compete with Intel's upcoming Core architecture. Today their Mac business alone is three times what it was then, it's the only segment of the PC industry actually expanding, and the company is HUGE--twice the size of Intel, in terms of financials. Heck, they could buy a controlling stake in Intel based purely on that company's market cap with cash on hand.

    Further, of all those 25M+ iOS devices last quarter, every single one was running an ARM processor. While nearly 4 million Macs is nothing to sneeze at, Apple's bread and butter is iOS and ARM-based systems. They know them, they control the whole package, and they have an in-house CPU team for the architecture. One that, based on performance comparisons with the Xoom, is doing its job quite well. They've also managed to sell these devices at prices so low other companies are having serious trouble matching them, while maintaing very healthy profit margins.

    As far as Apple is concerned--and with good reason--iOS on ARM is their future. There's no reason to stop selling Macs, but the market for console-style computers is not likely limited to handhelds and tablets--there's almost certainly a lot of demand in the bigger-laptop-with-a-keyboard space as well as large-screen desktops. With the rate of CPU power increase in ARM chips, within a couple of years they're likely to be powerful enough to comfortably handle desktop tasks, particularly considering that the average user really doesn't have any use for anything more than a basic dual-core system--everything else is for pros and bragging rights.

    So, by way of prediction, I'd assume that Apple will continue to beef up its in-house ARM team, and once the desktop-grade chips are in place leverage that to replace what we currently think of as consumer Macs with beefier, larger-screen iOS based devices (or perhaps some iOS/MacOS hybrid thing to better handle indirect input, since pointing at a 27" touchscreen is ridiculous for more than a few minutes).

    After all, Apple could--and very will might--dump a few billion dollars of their hoard into advancing the ARM architecture in some way that competitors can't match, and/or building out chip fab capabilities to keep prices low and availability high. Intel's entire R&D budget for 2010 was in the range of $6B, AMD's wasn't much over $1B, and Apple likes to control their own destiny, so it's not out of the question if they can hire good enough people.

    I also bet that they will keep some "pro" machines--perhaps even those that'll keep the "Mac" moniker--in the lineup, for people who want more traditional workstation software, since there's still a lucrative market for that. These will presumably use Intel chips, but then who knows--even Microsoft is working on a version of Windows for ARM.

    And outside the gamer market or the relatively small number of people who need or want a virtualized Windows environment, I seriously doubt most people will care. After all, it hasn't stopped them from lining up to buy iPads, and I have NEVER heard even the most ardent Windows fanboy rant about Windows with the same fervor as a half-dozen non-technical people I know personally who love their iPad.

    Geeks and old-school Macheads like myself will wail and moan, and Apple won't care. If they did, the iPad would have run the MacOS.

    In related news, Microsoft is in trouble.

    Manifestation En Tunisie. manifestation à Tunis
  • manifestation à Tunis

  • citizenzen
    Apr 18, 09:20 PM
    You clause is a great idea, but we all know that taxes never go away.

    You might need to question that notion, considering that Americans today are taxed at the lowest level in over 50 years.

    From the Orange County Register, April 17, 2011 ...

    Taxes reach historic low (http://www.ocregister.com/news/-117079-ocprint--.html)

    For the past two years, a family of four earning the median income has paid less in federal income taxes than at any time since at least 1955, according to the Tax Policy Center. All federal, state and local taxes combined are a lower percentage of per-capita income than at any time since the 1960s, according to the Tax Foundation. The highest income-tax bracket is its lowest since 1992. At 35 percent, it's well below the 50 percent mark of much of the 1980s and the 70 percent bracket of the 1970s.

    So let me recommend something. It's basically a reversal of your clause. The clause would allow a taxation adjustment (which would be predetermined) once 20% of spending has been cut (or some other amount).

    I could go for something along those lines too.

    Manifestation En Tunisie. Manifestation a tunis pour
  • Manifestation a tunis pour

  • dmunz
    Apr 25, 09:44 AM
    He has come down from the mountain, he has spoken. Please return to your huts.

    Hmm, if this is such a security hole why doesn't some smart guy break into Steve's phone and figure out just where he is?


    Manifestation En Tunisie. Tunisie : les avocats
  • Tunisie : les avocats

  • Tomorrow
    May 3, 12:59 PM
    SI is superior in conversions only
    Imperial is superior as I actually have a feel for the numbers

    It's also easier in calculations - each unit is a derivative of the seven base units, each with a conversion factor of 1.

    Yes, let's not change it because YOU actually have a feel for the numbers.

    As for having a feel for the numbers, he's not alone. I have nearly 20 years of professional experience using Imperial units as a mechanical engineer, as does every mechanical engineer in the U.S. Switching systems (or, rather, making it mandatory) will require all of these engineers to re-learn the formulae they've known and used for decades. That's the equivalent of millions of man-years of engineering experience down the drain. That isn't progress, no matter how much you might want want to believe it is.

    We need to switch to the metric system, what we have now is ****ing crazy when looking at the rest of the world...this is coming from a bio major who has to deal with SI units daily

    SI != metric.

    I deal with both daily - our electrical system (Watts, Amperes, Volts, Ohms, etc.) are all metric and SI. Using Imperial units doesn't make understanding those SI units any harder.

    For the love of your education system, do make the switch! I'm an engineering student from Canada. So I have to learn both imperial and SI. Imperial is such a pain in the ass.

    I was an engineering student in the U.S., and I learned to use both systems - and yes, calculations using SI units were simpler. But the reality is that mechanical engineers here do not measure refrigeration in Watts, they use Btuh or tons of refrigeration. We don't use degrees Celsius, we use degrees Fahrenheit. We don't measure airflow in liters per second (which isn't even an SI unit; the proper convention would be cubic meters per second), we use cubic feet per minute. And as such, that's the system I've grown comfortable with as a professional.

    Really, most opinions I see in the US to keep the imperial system is because you're not accustomed to it.

    Which translates to an incredible cost of switching, and a near-certainty of an avalanche of errors.

    ...the difference between 37 and 38 degrees Celsius is 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit, hardly a noticeable difference when it comes to weather forecasts.

    You'd make a great point if weather forecasts were all we used temperature measurements for.

    For chilled water, a 12 degree (F) temperature differential equates to 2 gpm per ton of refrigeration. Every mechanical engineer knows that. Force him to use SI units, and the game changes completely; calculations that could once be done in your head now require a calculator. You would achieve the opposite effect.

    I'm not so sure. If a recipe calls for 2 tablespoons, is it not just as easy to measure out 30ml?

    Measuring or counting out two is always easier than measuring or counting out thirty.

    Are there really any benefits to the Customary scale, or do we just perceive benefits because it's what we're used to?

    I don't know that there are benefits to using customary units; but there are indeed benefits to not switching units. Not the same thing.

    Metric is just easier to learn. Period.

    That's one opinion. Period.

    If it were so damn easy, everyone would know it, now, wouldn't they?

    Manifestation En Tunisie. Manifestation à Tunis le 25
  • Manifestation à Tunis le 25

  • _Matt
    Aug 4, 10:58 AM
    You are the perfect consumer. "Must ... have ... bright ... shiny ... new .... thing", whether you need it or not. So what if apple comes out with a new computer every 6 months? If the one you have does what you need it to - why do you care? If your self-worth is tied up in having the latest computer, you just need therapy. And please don't blame Apple for your debt situation.

    Haha. Well said. I guess Apple added in something to the last revision of PowerBook G4s which makes us PowerBook users more down to earth. I would never get rid of my PowerBook. :D

    Manifestation En Tunisie. En effet, à Tunis des
  • En effet, à Tunis des

  • cav23j
    Mar 26, 11:27 PM
    So the sources are Gruber who stated it was a guess and TechCrunch who are, well, TechCrunch.

    sounds like someone just bought an iPad 2

    Manifestation En Tunisie. Tunisie : Manifestation réelle
  • Tunisie : Manifestation réelle

  • dukebound85
    Apr 5, 07:45 PM
    I can understand Apple's concern here it could give the impression to an uneducated user that it is OK to jailbreak their phone since they are being encouraged to by what would seem like a legitimate source. I don't think it's much of an issue for Scion owners though as they are probably used to sub-par performance.

    it is ok...

    Manifestation En Tunisie. Manifestation-Tunis.jpg
  • Manifestation-Tunis.jpg

  • NinjaHERO
    Mar 30, 01:37 AM
    The good news is that it sounds like the plant wasn't damaged. While I am sure making batteries for Apple is not on the top of their priority list, their economy starting back up will help speed their recovery. A little bit of good news I hope.

    Manifestation En Tunisie. Manifestation à Tunis le 26
  • Manifestation à Tunis le 26

  • �algiris
    Mar 31, 09:02 AM
    P.S. Lietuvos Rytas is better :P

    Better at losing yes.

    Manifestation En Tunisie. manifestation à Tunis le
  • manifestation à Tunis le

  • Stella
    Nov 23, 09:05 AM
    A friend of mine heard from someone who works at Rim that they and Apple are working on a phone! If I thoght that this news would do anything to Apple or Rim stock, I would not be telling you. I already own Apple and cannot see Rim's advancing any more than a few points on the news.

    My future wife's ( who I don't know yet ) cat said Apple would be buying a stake in Symbian and slapping an OSX like interface theme on it.

    Oh, that would be so good, if they did - using the #1 Smartphone OS in the world.

    Manifestation En Tunisie. Manifestation à la cité
  • Manifestation à la cité

  • Benjy91
    Apr 25, 10:01 AM
    It's funny how people are panicking about this, but not the Geo-Map feature on any photo taken with an iPhone. Which can be pinpointed to 50m of where you took the photo.

    Mar 26, 11:19 PM
    I think that Apple will introduce IOS 5 in June/July, when it introduces the iPhone 5 (assuming that's what they call it). If there is some aspect of ios 5 that they can't get ready until Fall, they may have an ios 5.3 update in the Fall.

    This is the most sensible conclusion. Game Center wasn't ready for the prime time upon release of the offical 4.0, so it came with 4.1. This is a clever move for Apple as it gives the feeling of extra value added to those who could update as not everyone with these devices even knew it existed until it landed on their device. We of course knew better so it wasn't a shock to us, but the bottom line is we all benefit from it.

    Aug 4, 09:36 PM
    DO you guys think the Mac MINI will get a speed bump anytime soon? A friend of mine, shes looking to come over to the Mac side and the MINI seems perfect for her needs but something faster would be nice then the current.

    By years end I would say so. By Jan 2007 at the latest. We need to see the iMac get a bump first. That may occur at Paris in September.

    May 4, 07:41 PM
    Why is everyone getting so bent out of shape so early? First off, this is hear say and not officially stated by Apple yet. If that time comes, I'm sure there will be the option of a physical disk, or some way to make a bootable install disk using disk utility. I mean this thing is already 9 pages long of people flipping out that OMG!!! ITS A DOWNLOAD!!! Guess what? Microsoft offers windows as a download, and guess what? You can burn it to a physical disk.. I can't believe so many people are already jumping the gun on a RUMOR. It's a RUMOR until Apple officially announces it...

    Apr 20, 06:36 AM
    I believe it. Makes perfect sense. The iPhone 4 is an awesome phone so it doesn't need much improvement. A little power under the hood combined with a iOS update and the thing will continue the trek of top of the smart phone market.

    There will not be a 4" screen on the next iPhone, so let us just cut that off right now. It is not necessary it is not better, although I know some of you think anytime has anything with a bigger number in it you think Apple needs to follow. That is not how they work. They make whole devices, they don't just compile disparate parts with no real rhyme or reason.

    Without a 4 inch screen apple will wont get a cent from me. So much easier to browse the web.. and funner to play games on.

    Apr 9, 08:34 PM
    Same brand scientific calculator, two different answers. :rolleyes: