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Monday, May 9, 2011

Fayetteville North Carolina

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  • xStep
    Apr 6, 06:22 AM
    I'm willing to bet there will be a price drop and only available on the Mac App Store.

    I doubt it will be available on the Mac App store. Think about how much space FCS requires.

    Fayetteville North Carolina. North Carolina.
  • North Carolina.

  • DrRadon
    Mar 22, 12:46 PM
    It won�t sell because the iPad lines will block the view in store.

    Fayetteville North Carolina. City: Fayetteville, NC
  • City: Fayetteville, NC

  • Multimedia
    Aug 22, 08:19 AM
    This ComputerWorld Review is far less restrained than the ArsTechnica moderate take:

    Hands on: The new Mac Pro is 'one screamer' (http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBasic&articleId=9002545&pageNumber=4)

    You could say they are gushing over it. Looks like a home run in the PC world. Gonna get a ton of switchers - even if they only ever run Windows XP on it. Next question will be "Oh you have a Mac Pro. What OS are you running on it?"

    Answer: Whatever works for the job. :p

    Fayetteville North Carolina. Fayetteville, NC wedding
  • Fayetteville, NC wedding

  • OutThere
    Apr 27, 09:22 AM
    Can you really blame them? They won't have a purpose in life without Birtherism.

    Si Dieu n'existait pas, il faudrait l'inventer.

    Fayetteville North Carolina. Fayetteville, NC 8-hour Ozone
  • Fayetteville, NC 8-hour Ozone

  • Jazwire
    Apr 6, 01:03 PM
    Awesome, can't wait.
    Picking up the 11" soon as they are out.

    Fayetteville North Carolina. Fayetteville North
  • Fayetteville North

  • dgree03
    Apr 6, 04:21 PM
    Isn't it amazing that so many of these XOOM owners also, coincidentally, "own" an iPad/iPad 2, or their spouse/mom/dog/significant other does?

    Either there's a lot of exaggerating (astroturfing) going on, or someone's spouse/mom/dog/significant other has a lot more sense. ;)

    Why, I own an iPad and a XOOM and a Galaxy Tab and that HP Windows 7 Slate thingy and a Nook and a prototype PlayBook and I can tell you from personal experience that the iPad is like 100x better than all of those! :rolleyes:

    I own both currently, and the reason is because I just like all technology. I give everything that looks interesting to me a fair try before dismissing it. I dont mind people talking about their own experiences with their own iPad, i just hate the people who comment on other hardware have NEVER used it at any length.

    I like what the iPAD offers hardware wise and 3rd party accessory wise. If I could stick Honeycomb on a iPAD 2 hardware... I would be in heaven.

    Fayetteville North Carolina. Inn Fayetteville Nc
  • Inn Fayetteville Nc

  • pink-pony115
    Aug 12, 10:47 AM
    I'm a sucker for a new hot phone.

    I got a rockr...and remember how that turned out. :o

    Frankly I'm sick of the iPhone rumors.

    Fayetteville North Carolina. Fayetteville, NC Hotel
  • Fayetteville, NC Hotel

  • URFloorMatt
    Apr 11, 11:55 AM
    To me this means 4G and Verizon/AT&T hardware convergence. Both, good news.Agreed. But I don't get all this confusion over fiscal 2012 and calendar 2012. Are there analysts really stupid enough to believe that Apple would kill any future iPhone sales at Christmas by shifting the iPhone to a January release schedule? And do they really think Apple would preview iOS 5 a full six months before release? That said, if I sit on my iPhone 3GS until Sept/Oct and the new iPhone doesn't have 4G, I'll probably never buy another Apple product again.

    For those interested in holding out for iPad 3, I do think moving the iPhone into a fall release frame opens the door to delaying the iPad 3 launch until summer 2012. On the plus side, that would leave the spring conspicuously empty, which might indicate a major MacBook Pro refresh (i.e. new casing) for next year.

    Fayetteville North Carolina. (fayetteville nc) $2000
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  • Macaroony
    Mar 3, 04:08 AM
    I'm sorry, Bill, but your logic has one big flaw.

    If you decided to live celibately while other heterosexuals are open to have sex in a [monogamous] relationship, that's fine by me but what you're implying is that every homosexual should be celibate, so what's the point of being attracted to the same-sex at all in your logic?

    I believe you have to label yourself asexual from now on, since not having or craving sex makes you neither a homosexual nor heterosexual.

    Fayetteville North Carolina. North Carolina
  • North Carolina

  • CaoCao
    Feb 28, 08:33 PM
    Now you've stopped stating opinions and walked into fact territory.
    Has anyone ever been truly 'cured' of homosexuality? You need to produce empirical evidence. Notably brain scans showing the arousal of a homosexual to people of his same sex before and after this 'treatment.'
    If you can produce that evidence, I will be satisfied that homosexuality is a treatable condition. Until then, I'm just assuming that you're stating dogma as fact to make reprehensible claims.

    I said "Both cases are untreatable."

    Fayetteville North Carolina. Unsqueeze Fayetteville Nc
  • Unsqueeze Fayetteville Nc

  • Frobozz
    Mar 31, 02:56 PM
    You could say the same thing about Apple though. The Apple fad will go away and the extremely closed ecosystem which seems to not be really developing much in terms of UI or having an actual roadmap could end iOS.

    I don't understand why people can't just see the pros and cons of both and accept both are great platforms. Its always a WAR with Apple fans. Apple against EVERYONE!

    The "Apple fad" ?

    I suppose you can't stop people bandwagoning a product or brand. But Apple got to this point not because it was chic to love iOS. It started with a better user experience. It extended greatly when the app store was released. Android is very much lagging in both of those criteria.

    The advantage Android offers is not financial, either. You can get an iPhone 3GS for $50. It's not user experience. It's not the strength of it's app suite.

    Android is popular because it is on a lot of different device manufacturers and service providers. It also allows the maybe 1% of apps that are both useful and not allowed under the App Store TOS. So people who enjoy tinkering like it, for sure.

    Android's strength is in numbers. Now that they have it, they can improve the UI to compete with Apple. That's a tall order. I don't think Apple will ever lag Android with truly useful features.

    Let's put it this way: If the average consumer could buy an iOS device or an Android device for the same money on the same provider, which would most choose? Again, Android's strength is not in execution, it's in it's wide swath.

    But, over time, the two platforms will be closer in UX and market reach.

    Fayetteville North Carolina. I#39;m Here: Fayetteville, North
  • I#39;m Here: Fayetteville, North

  • Jimmieboy
    Sep 19, 04:07 AM
    An update isn't going to make me go out and by a macbook or macbook pro. I'm waiting for leopard. Hopefully the updates (if any) will lower the price of the ibooks. I'm kinda interested in getting a new one for cheap. Anyway

    Fayetteville North Carolina. Fayetteville, North Carolina
  • Fayetteville, North Carolina

  • Ramrod82
    Apr 8, 01:25 AM
    Ipad2 = huge demand, people keep calling, going into best buy daily to check to see if any r in. BB maybe is hoping while your there u will buy some games, blu rays, etc. Then come back when the iPad is in stock, the higher demand, the more likely people will get down and pissed and spend money on other items to take their mind off of waiting for their iPad 2. You create a demand that's already there (key apple stores and website delays) and make the delay longer, customers will keep coming in! Look at the Wii when it first was out and people lined for one! And the whole bb quota I truly believe, the higher ups want to see the daily numbers and if they see an average of let's say they sell 20 a day plus other crap, the higher ups r happy, who knows I could be completely off, but thats just my 2 cents. Either BB has always been shady!

    Fayetteville North Carolina. in Fayetteville NC 28306
  • in Fayetteville NC 28306

  • troop231
    Mar 22, 12:52 PM
    All formidable looking tablets, it is indeed the year of the tablet.

    So what is next year the year of? Phones again let me guess

    Fayetteville North Carolina. Welcome to Fayetteville North
  • Welcome to Fayetteville North

  • ThunderSkunk
    Apr 25, 03:14 PM

    Holy ****.

    We had stuff like this when I was in the service, a but its use was strictly observed across and up the chain of command, and we're held accountable for each use. Civilian officers with little or no supervision getting their hands on this level of equipment scares the %^$& out of me.

    Fayetteville North Carolina. North Carolina
  • North Carolina

  • marksman
    Mar 31, 04:57 PM
    Only if you do not add products like the iPad and the iPod Touch. In other words, if you throw out 50% of the iOS products.

    I would add I never understand the comparison of Smartphones running Android to smartphones running IOS.

    Neither Google or Apple sell their phone operating systems, and the Android spectrum is made up of 50 handsets from 10 different manufacturers who are in direct competition with each other. They are not one big group working together to take on Apple. It makes absolutely zero sense to make that kind of comparison.

    It is just as weird as loping off iPod and iPad IOS users...

    If people want to compare smartphones, then compare actual sales of individual smartphones, each which only use one OS. People should not draw meaningless lines in the sand lumping all android based handsets together, because they are not together other than they run android. They might as well compare black phones to white phones.

    I imagine if you made a chart of the top selling smartphones in the last 5 years, it would consist of the iPhone 4, the iPhone 3GS, the iPhone 3G and the iPhone.

    Why not group smartphones by what kind of graphics chip they have or what type of memory chip they use? The OS is irrelevant. Nobody in the smartphone business is directly making money off any of these oses, it is a stupid way to categorize smart phones.

    Of course it happens because if they didn't lump them together it would look absurd with Apple totally dominating the smart phone market with their latest phone every year while 100 android commodity phones all have tiny market shares just to get replaced by the next one.

    How does HTC running android OS benefit or relate to a Motorola phone running android? It does not, at all.

    Fayetteville North Carolina. Search Fayetteville NC Homes
  • Search Fayetteville NC Homes

  • teme
    Sep 19, 03:45 AM
    PowerBook G5 by the holidays.
    I wish this board would block automatically "PowerBook G5" and replace it with "************" so this tired so-called-joke would end someday.

    Fayetteville North Carolina. Fayetteville, North Carolina
  • Fayetteville, North Carolina

  • ThunderSkunk
    Mar 23, 12:38 AM
    can you say "last ditch effort"




    Nobody wants to f around with all your mess, bleckburry.

    Fayetteville North Carolina. from $93 middot; Holiday Inn
  • from $93 middot; Holiday Inn

  • Unspeaked
    Nov 29, 12:59 PM
    For starters, it's not illegal to download music freely. There are quite a few artists that allow free downloads of their music, so the first part of your statement "it's illegal to download music freely" is not correct. The second half of your statement ".... people are doing it....", assumes that everyone is guilty until they prove themselves innocent. Which is wrong.

    Of course not all music is illegal to download, but for the sake of the conversation, which is full of 10 pages of posts concerning Universal's copyright protected cataloge, I assumed a qualifier wasn't necessary in my post.

    To make myself clear, it's illegal to download copyrighted music which the artist and/or label has not explicitely made available as a free, promotional download.

    Aug 12, 11:00 PM
    but you do care. you are pointing out that you care by what you just typed. if you count the prologues, you get over 57M sold.
    You originally said...
    so either way, there's only 4 versions of the game out. at over 57 million copies sold, i'd say they sold a fair few.
    ...which as I've said, a few times now, is incorrect. If you only count 4 games, as you originally said in that quote, that only totals 46M. And besides, if you check that link I originally provided, which is FROM POLYPHONY THEMSELVES, you would see that the total worldwide is only 56M. At least if you're going to quote the number in the wrong context, use the right number.
    i disagree. let's bring math into the equation, since you seem to have missed it.

    100,000,000/15 = 6,666,667.
    57,000,000/8 = 7,125,000.

    so GT has sold more copies per game.
    Yay, let's play the "Twist The Numbers To Fit Our Needs" game....

    100M / 15 years = 6.66M per year (Need for Speed)
    56M / 13 years = 4.31M per year (Gran Turismo)

    So yea, Need for Speed sells 50% more per year. YAY, math is fun!!!
    well again this is your opinion...
    It is. I don't like the direction Polyphony has taken the game. A game that used to be my favorite game. It disappoints me. Thus my frustration. I bought my PS3 with the hopes
    but the intention of the car was for the game. how do you not see that? specifically for the game. in fact, it's named GT after the game
    Can I buy one and drive it to work? No? Then it isn't real, intentions or not.
    how does sales have no relevance if something is great?
    Then according to you, Wii Play is the "greatest" video game of all time. Just reading that sentence should show you exactly why sales have very little to do with the quality of a game.

    I keep saying this, but it seems people don't really understand it. Sales, which deal with numbers, are an objective measure of something. Greatness, which deals with personal preferences, is a subjective measure. You can think GT, or the iPhone, or Star Wars, or whatever, is great. That is fine, and a personal opinion. But, the sales of those things can't be "great". They can be large, and they are, but they can't be great.

    And really, if someone uses the sales of something to qualify the greatness of it to themselves, that is kind of sad. Quite a few of my favorite things, which I consider great, didn't sell very well. That doesn't make them any less great to me.

    But anyway, I don't even know why I'm arguing about this. I'm not even going to be buying this game. I'm done with this thread now. I'll just tip my hat, and bid you adieu.

    Apr 20, 10:35 AM
    Feel free to discuss the same things I am next time so that we can actually have a meaningful debate about it.

    Well let's just check we are 'on the same page then'..

    You agree Samsung have copied Apple, but only on things that you think don't really matter, while on the other hand anything where they don't look the same is terribly important..

    Okay, got it!

    Mar 31, 05:20 PM
    It is crazy for people to pretend like Google makes Android to be benevolent and help the world. They have financial motives, and they have to protect their interests.

    Agreed. But then Google should stop spouting off about how they have altruistic motives rooted in openness and puppies.

    Apr 29, 12:46 PM
    So what? Who said liberals never partake in name calling? You claimed that liberals do more name calling. You want me to go dig out examples of name-calling done by conservative voices such as Limbaugh, Beck, etc.?

    I should add Trump to that list to keep this somewhat on track with the subject of this thread.

    Hey now don't go and try to get this thread back on track! ;)

    You could, cite name-calling examples on both sides but it really shouldn't be about who started it, or who does it more; really it should be more about ending it and talking about the issues... but then we'd be in danger of actually progressing.

    Apr 11, 10:36 PM
    Looking forward to the new final cut studio.

    if apple is smart they will allow access to individual parts of the suite
    as seperate Mac App Store downloads.

    If it were possible to buy apple Motion on it's own I think many existing After Effects would be very happy to have something else to play with that can take adavantage of their hardware and deliver some fun realtime workflows...

    it could be a halo product for such editors as well to end up using the whole suite...

    I bought motion for 300 when it used to be sold individually, and I have spent a tonne of money since simply because I love that product.

    do it apple. please.