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Saturday, May 14, 2011

tim hetherington killed

tim hetherington killed. Tim Hetherington works at
  • Tim Hetherington works at

  • PowerGamerX
    Apr 9, 08:19 AM
    These people that are trying to claim they're a hardcore gamer, aren't. A true gamer plays games, regardless of where they are played or how they are played. A gamer plays games. There's nothing more too it than that.

    That said, I don't find iOS games all that compelling personally. I like to have games with a little more depth, which is why I'm a fan of the PSP. There are plenty of great iPhone games, they just aren't great for more than 5 or 10 minutes at a time.

    This doesn't mean I don't like short games, no. This just means I like games to have "more than meets the eye".

    tim hetherington killed. Tim Hetherington, 40, Killed
  • Tim Hetherington, 40, Killed

  • ericinboston
    Apr 28, 09:17 AM
    I would LOVE to buy an iMac...and have been wanting for a few years...but $1200 for essentially a web surfing machine and iPod syncing machine is just too expensive for what it will be used for. My 4+ year old Mac Mini works just fine and even that was a lot of money when I got it ($1200).

    A very high percentage of consumers (as is reflected still now in 2011 personal computer marketshare) primarily do web-based activities, a little bit of Office productivity, and iTunes and thus do not need to spend 2x the money for product B when product A is fine. Why buy a Mac for $1200+ when a $600 Windows box (including nice 20"+ monitor) will fit the bill just fine?

    Not trying to start the never-ending debate but this is the reality.

    I love the iMac look...but after a few minutes of pondering, I can get a machine for 1/2 the price with the same size monitor that will do exactly what I (and 90% of consumers) need. If you're a Mac lover or have to use the Mac for particular reasons, of course the Mac is going to be your choice. But for the high majority of consumers in the world...there's just no need to spend twice the price.

    tim hetherington killed. Tim Hetherington, the conflict
  • Tim Hetherington, the conflict

  • tigres
    Jun 7, 06:05 PM
    52 dropped calls today. Full bars of course. AT&T says no problems.


    tim hetherington killed. Tim Hetherington killed in
  • Tim Hetherington killed in

  • superleccy
    Sep 20, 06:20 AM
    Yeah Ok, thats fine, but then I also need a machine to get content from my TV/tuner/satelite to my Mac.
    www.elgato.com (http://www.elgato.com/)

    Of course, the downside of this is if your "den" or wherever you keep your Mac doesn't have a cable/ariel/satellite socket in the wall. I actually run my EyeTV 410 off a cheap indoor antenna for this reason. Looks ugly but works fine.

    tim hetherington killed. director tim hetherington
  • director tim hetherington

  • milo
    Sep 12, 05:19 PM
    Plus I'm going to have to wait 2+ hours for it to download, plus nothing extra.

    You don't have to wait, if you have a fast connection you can watch while it's downloading.

    So almost a year later Apple introduces a device that will play *near* (i.e. lower than) DVD-quality when the market is finally warming up to HD quality disks.

    Who says it will only do DVD quality? It has HD outputs, and some of the reports said he called up the incredibles (was it the movie or the trailer?) in HD.

    Right now we have an upgraded Airport extreme.

    Which is exactly what I want. If you want TV tuner, just buy one, they're already available. I wouldn't be surprised if Apple ends up buying Elgato. If Apple announced a TV tuner, wouldn't people be complaining that it would put poor Elgato out of business?

    I'll just use a cable to hook my laptop to my TV.
    Voila! I just replaced iTV for less than $5.00.

    So was your laptop free...or did you find one for under five bucks?

    I bought a DVI->S-Video adapter for $15 and an S-Video cable for about $20. Guess what. I can watch TV shows and movies downloaded to my hard drive on my TV. Sooooo.... $35 vs. $300. Let me see.

    As above...didn't you have to buy your computer? And isn't it a pain to have to have your computer sitting next to the TV while you're watching (all the time if it's not a laptop, drag it in if it is)? I did that for a while with my mini and got tired of it.

    no one could convince us that the 640x480 would be enough for HDTV or which wireless protocol it would use.

    Did they say that the iTV only did 640x480, or is that just something you assumed?

    wireless is useless for watching movies. I use my mac now to get videos from NAS servers and wireless doesn't cut it. I need to be going 100 or else it gets choppy. Unless they release a new wireless access point.

    You mean CURRENT wireless isn't fast enough. There's a new, faster standard on the way, which is probably part of the reason this isn't shipping yet.

    tim hetherington killed. Tim Hetherington
  • Tim Hetherington

  • chown33
    Apr 10, 06:46 PM
    What if I just want my top 10 favorites? In Windows I just drag the icon (of whatever I want) to the Start button, then drop it into the list of my favorites (I'm not sure of the actual term for this). Can this be done on a Mac?

    Two ways come to mind:

    1. Make a folder called "Favorite Apps" or whatever.
    Add it to the Dock by dragging it there.
    Put aliases to your favorite apps there.

    You can do this with any number of folders, so you can make collections of related tools (e.g. Video Favorites, Writing Favorites, whatever). You can also arrange the tools in sub-folders. I've done this for years with a DevTools folder of development-tool applications.

    2. System Preferences > Appearance pane.
    At "Number of recent items" make sure 10 or 15 or whatever Applications is enabled.
    Apple menu > Recent Items > Applications
    The designated number of recently opened applications will be listed.

    tim hetherington killed. Final shot: Tim Hetherington
  • Final shot: Tim Hetherington

  • cmaier
    Apr 21, 08:25 AM
    You must live in a alternate univerise if think that Apple users are tech savy. You average user is very happy to have Apple control thier experience, ie they are techtards. And frankly owning an Apple product is the best thing for them, with a PC etc they will just get themselves into trouble.

    If your still under some illusion of how tech savy they are read through the macrumors forums...... and remeber they are the more tech savy ones!

    I have moved every family member over to mac who has no idea about computer, they are happy. The people I know who work in IT, develop and are really tech savy, still have a PC (and an android, some have both android and iphone)

    I own 3 macs and 5 advices. I have a PhD in electrical engineering and designed microprocessors for 14 years, including microprocessors used in many PCs. I've written millions of lines of source code in C, assembler, C++, etc.

    And most of the folks I know who use Linux or solaris all day at work to design chips use macs at home and carry iPhones. I don't know a single one of them who uses an android phone (many carry blackberries however).

    tim hetherington killed. Tim Hetherington Killed in
  • Tim Hetherington Killed in

  • macenforcer
    Aug 29, 02:42 PM
    cars may have produced 100x less CO2 forty years ago. but today there 100x more cars on the road. Global Warming is caused by many reasons. I won't get into them all but I will mention one. Electricity. The heat from our major cities and towns go into the atmosphere, decrease O-zone protection, which in turn makes the sun shine stronger and melts our ice caps. But there are other reasons that i dont feel like explaining. If you want to know more...google it.

    Exactly. There are more people. So if people today create 1/2 the pollution they did 20yrs ago but now there are twice as many people there is no change.

    We are doomed! :D

    tim hetherington killed. TIM HETHERINGTON KILLED IN

  • 68164
    Sep 25, 12:37 AM
    After viewing the ShowTime presentation, it is clear as clear can be that iTV will require either a Mac or PC to function - the whole focus of Steve's talk and demo on iTV was about how to get the stuff from your computer to your TV.

    Of course the practicalities of doing that in a seamless interface for the consumer will undoubtly involve some form of buffering by the iTV unit - leading bob to talk about 'storage' i believe.

    I'm already running a mac mini hooked up to my Sharp LCD TV - I really enjoy being able to sit on the couch with my bluetooth mouse and surf the net, surf google earth, check my widgets and watch TV with eyeTv - all on the big screen - so I probably won't get too excited about iTV intially - then again, if iTV could pull your desktop through to the TV and had a bluetooth receiver so your bluetooth mouse and keyboard could remotely control the desktop...that would be awesome...and I'd be turfing the mac mini and twin eyeTVs to the spare room and sliding the compact iTV under the Sharp without a moments hesitation.

    I'm sure Apple's got some more surprises to pull out of the bag...can't wait for MWSF keynote!

    tim hetherington killed. Tim Hetherington, left
  • Tim Hetherington, left

  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 27, 04:39 PM
    Indeed sir, that is why I tried.

    Deo favente
    Thank you. That's very kind of you.

    tim hetherington killed. Handout Tim Hetherington
  • Handout Tim Hetherington

  • alex_ant
    Oct 7, 04:26 PM
    Originally posted by barkmonster
    I can just see the look of disappointment on everyone's faces when the dual 1.25Ghz mac is slapped silly by both windows systems at practically everything.
    Won't happen. To a Mac zealot, if the G4 is slower than anything, either 1) the benchmark was rigged, or 2) "pcheese" and "Windblowz" suck anyway.

    The Pentium 5 could come along and deliver 15,000 in SPECfp and all the Mac zealots would be whining about how SPEC isn't a real-world benchmark and how Macs deliver such better real-world performance etc., even when they have nothing to substantiate their claims but the biased and selective evidence from themselves and their Mac-using friends.

    I love Macs, but I harbor no illusions about them not generally being just about the slowest thing on the block at the moment.


    tim hetherington killed. Tim-Hetherington--007
  • Tim-Hetherington--007

  • Sydde
    Mar 25, 11:50 PM
    [QUOTE=CaoCao;12258425]Prove why I should be denied the right to copulate in public/QUOTE]
    Because it is basically unsanitary. Similar to urinating on the sidewalk (urine is sterile upon exiting the body, but it does not stay that way very long).

    tim hetherington killed. #39;Restrepo#39; Director Tim Hetherington Killed In Libya Q. Do you consider yourself a photographer? A. If you are interested in mass communication,
  • #39;Restrepo#39; Director Tim Hetherington Killed In Libya Q. Do you consider yourself a photographer? A. If you are interested in mass communication,

  • Hankster
    May 6, 07:03 PM
    I have the iPhone 3GS, it's not ATT. It's the iPhone. Plus, I rarely get voice drops, but I do lose data connection A LOT. Sometimes I have to reboot my iPhone 2-4 times a day just to get messages/email/etc.

    But, people need to understand it's not ATT it's the iPhone that doesn't have good quality connection. Most of my friends have ATT and BlackBerrys and they ALWAYS have service and data even when my iPhone is dead in the water.

    tim hetherington killed. Tim Hetherington killed in
  • Tim Hetherington killed in

  • Azadre
    Apr 20, 08:07 PM
    Windows is the castle for Microsoft. Office and everything else for the most part was the moat.

    Google's castle is advertising, and everything else including android is the moat.

    Android is not Windows.

    tim hetherington killed. Tim Hetherington
  • Tim Hetherington

  • sam10685
    Sep 12, 06:04 PM
    I'm really impressed with the price. Obviously they're not gonna talk about all the features this early, but so far it looks good. Will it record TV? I guess "no."

    i have an extremely good feeling it will. i also have an extremely good feeling that they will launch this thing prior to christmas for two reasons... Why would they anounce something this cool in september and not release it by christmas? also, Apple has a history of doing weird stuff like releasing stuff early. "yeah... we're going to start this Intel transition in 6 months." *4 months later, Intel transition starts.*

    tim hetherington killed. Blog - Tim Hetherington
  • Blog - Tim Hetherington

  • edifyingGerbil
    Apr 27, 02:31 PM
    You can give a god any attributes you want.


    Look, in philosophy (and by proxy theology) there is used in debate and arguments definite descriptions. Definite descriptions are used as shorthand to refer to complex ideas so that we do not need to descend into meta-linguistics and logical symbolism which is quite arcane.

    Now with regards to the ontological argument for the existence of God, and the "Problem of Evil" and any other argument propounded by a Christian theologian trying to prove God's existence using reason, the definite description "God" is used as shorthand for:

    There is an entity such that this entity possesses certain attributes which are defined in certain religious texts called the Bible.

    The fact that the Judaeo-Christian God is really the chief of the Ugaritic pantheon doesn't matter because the Ugaritic god doesn't have his attributes listed in the Bible, unlike the Judaeo-Christian god.

    You can't give the Judaeo-Christian god any attributes you want, otherwise we would have solved the problem of evil long ago. You can in your imagination give any being any attributes you want but its definite description will include "there is a fictional being such that..." etc.

    I hope I'm not being condescending. Maybe you know about definite descriptions and I'm preaching to the converted...

    tim hetherington killed. Tim Hetherington has
  • Tim Hetherington has

  • backinblack875
    Apr 8, 11:03 PM
    I hope they poach someone that likes BUTTONS.

    WHAT?! the best thing about the iphone IS TOUCH!!!! NO MORE BUTTONS!!!

    tim hetherington killed. Tim Hetherington.
  • Tim Hetherington.

  • KingYaba
    May 2, 01:21 PM
    So few virus for MAC than when one appears it is news... :)

    It's news because Apple has paraded though commercials explaining how they're safe and Windows is not. Safe from viruses, yes, but even as I looked through this thread I noticed some people don't understand the difference.


    tim hetherington killed. left, and Tim Hetherington
  • left, and Tim Hetherington

  • Gelfin
    Mar 27, 09:23 AM
    If homosexuality were genetic, why are some identical twins born heterosexual when their twins turn out to feel same-sex-attractions?

    If homosexuality has no genetic component, why do twins raised separately have a greater chance of sharing an orientation? Why do homosexuals disproportionately display a variety of physical traits from handedness to hair whorls? I suppose lack of masculine identification at precisely two years of age makes men left-handed as well.

    But I forget, you're Catholic. You probably still favor beating children until they stop using "the devil's hand" too.

    That sounds like an ad hominem attack against Nicolosi. I agree with him and with his coworker who gave the lecture.

    You're damned right it is, because sometimes the person earns the attack. Nicolosi is a monster who encourages homophobic parents to commit their children involuntarily to a regimen of religiously-themed brainwashing. He can legitimately claim almost negligible success rates, and his organization is staffed by convicted con artists and desperately self-hating homosexuals who crash spectacularly in public. The "new discoveries" he claims sound strangely identical to rejected post hoc rationalizations of stereotypes formerly applied to homosexuals back when they were a disparaged and poorly understood group. We now understand that homosexuality is not effeminacy, and that when not being tormented by people who hate them and encourage them to hate themselves, homosexuals show no independent signs of psychological distress related to their orientation.

    This man is a charlatan. And it is clear you believe him because he tells you what you'd like to hear. You are following the pattern of every follower of quacks and quackery: you cling tenaciously to obscure and debunked ideas, hearing and accepting them without question, but then defend them against criticism by suddenly becoming almost comically hypercritical, citing the slim chance that not only that the overwhelming scientific consensus might be wrong, but that the overwhelming scientific consensus is driven by a massive conspiracy to prevent your huckster from selling his snake oil to the world. Your responses in this thread make it clear you have no intention of undertaking any critical thought. You'll just accept whatever somebody tells you if you feel like it makes it okay for you to not like gay people.

    Notice, your APA contradiction contradicts Gelfin's opinion the homosexuality has no psychological/environmental causes. Gelfin says there's no evidence that it has those causes.

    Notice, Gelfin said no such damned thing. Do not put words in my mouth.

    Aug 26, 07:32 AM
    Had drop call issues with my iPhone 3G ALL OVER THE COUNTRY. Not kidding. Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Louisiana, Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Indiana, New York, New Jersey . . . you get the picture.

    Now with my iPhone 4, it is WORSE. I get dropped 3 or 4 times during a 15 minute conversation.

    Talked my friend into an iPhone (it is GREAT for everything except being a phone) and she, in 3 days, has had to return 2 phones that were defective. She, a tech industry executive, asked AT&T and Apple what their failure rate was, and they replied, "We can't tell you that." Go figure. Also learned that there is one side of the band on the iPhone 4 for telephone and the other side for data. Having your hands directly on either side will diminish the reception. Using a headset does help (keeping hands off phone)

    My iPad hasn't seemed to have so many problems connecting on the go, but it does run a little slower sometimes. Have to say it rules, except the flash thing (best surfing anywhere?????), but another thread:D

    why is it that it's usually the newbie accounts that have the most trouble with their iphones?

    Apr 24, 01:42 PM
    I was always under the impression that reincarnation was considered a kind of living hell, like reliving Junior High School over and over again.

    The fire and brimstone of hell certainly figures in a lot of the fundamentalist sects of Christianity and many of the Protestant ones too. My father-in-law is a presbyterian lay preacher and constantly prattled on about it.

    In Hinduism, reincarnation is a natural part of life. As long as you follow the rules of the caste you belong to, you will get better incarnation next time. In Buddhism, reincarnation is not a state of hell in itself, but it's a barrier to salvation - and it's caused by the insatiability of human wants.

    There are several hells in Hinduism, none of which are permanent so maybe it's better to refer to them as "purgatories". The purgatories are called naraka and there are many of them. There are various narakas for different sinners, such as one for alcoholics, another one for liars, a third one for thieves, etc. The punishments are usually made to "fit the crime" in ironic ways. There are also heavens, but these aren't permanent either. In most teachings of Buddhism, there is a similar cosmology.

    The "flames of hell" have been mentioned many places in the New Testament, but the original texts translate literally to "flames of Gehenna". Gehenna was a landfill outside Jerusalem, a symbol of total destruction at the time. People were throwing sulfur down on the flames to keep the fire burning. In other words, the Christian "hell" was intially the cessation of existance. This is what Buddhists refer to as "nirvana", i.e. no more reincarnations. It's a paradox that what in one religion is seen as salvation, used to be the opposite in another.

    Jul 12, 09:00 AM
    I think AppleInsider is slightly wrong on this.


    Mac mini:
    - Apple will probably keep 32-bit Yonah chips in the Mac mini at least until 10.5 ships, but probably until MacWorld '07, AND drop the prices back down to $499 and $699 once Merom comes out in the next couple of months. This will spur Mac mini sales for the holiday season. At MacWorld [or maybe slightly before MW, during the holiday season if Merom chips get a price drop by then], the Mac mini will get Merom to take full advantage of 10.5 and slaughter the windows media center market and reign supreme in the media hub capacity [come on Apple, at least give it TV viewing capabilities even if you're not gonna give it PVR functionality because that may screw up the iMovie Video store that you're gonna announce with the vPod by Apple Expo Paris in September ;)]. Everybody's "gonna NEED 64-bit" by then... :rolleyes:... even though they really won't and don't even know why they would need it, other than because of the fact that it exists.

    - Like the Mac mini, the MacBook will keep Yonah only until 10.5 ships, but probably until MacWorld '07.

    I think MacWorld will be SJ's chance to say "6 months ago we completed our transition to Intel chips, a full 6 months ahead of the schedule that we had announced at WWDC in '05. During this past holiday season we shipped Mac OS X 10.5. Today we are proud to announce that ALL Macs have 64-bit Intel chips/processors and will be able to take FULL advantage of Mac OS X 10.5's features. One more thing..." /MacPhone [smartphone Blackberry/Treo killer with Apple's own MVNO service, and more. ;)]

    - [i]May use Merom, but Conroe is likely after the Mac mini gets Merom late this year or at MW '07. Both the 17" & 20" will probably get stock x1800 256VRam [x1900 BTO], and the 17" will get speed bumped to at least 2.0Ghz [duh...] and the 20" will get 2.16, maybe 2.33Ghz [in which case the 17" will probably get 2.16] but I don't know if Apple will debut the 2.33 in a consumer Mac before a Pro Mac. I'll expect to see all of this right after WWDC [although the iMacs right at the 6 month mark NOW, so maybe before WWDC. Right now I think Apple's building up anticipation for it's desktops

    [b]"Mac [Whatever]" or just "Mac" - light-upgrader/gamer targeted, new tower [probably mini-tower, compared to Mac Pro], possibly non-aluminum enclosure to differentiate it from the Mac Pro and maybe match the consumer MacBook's enclosures .
    - This will be Apple's flagship Conroe powered Mac. This is why the iMac [i]may stay with Merom, because this may be used as a distinguishing factor from the iMac. Although I believe that this towers' upgradeability option will be enough! :D There will probably be a an entry level with a 2.4Ghz [2.6, 2.8 BTO option] Conroe Core Duo and x1800 256VRam model around the $1000 [probably $1100, but $999 would KILL ALL of the windows desktop pc's sales] price point. An upgraded 2.6Ghz [2.8 BTO option] Conroe Core Duo model, with an x1900 256VRam GPU, larger hard drive, etc. will be at the $1500 price point [$1499].

    $999 & $1399/$1499 would RULE, because we would finally have an "under $1000 tower Mac" that could compete with those sub-$1000 windows towers. We'll probably get $1099 and $1499 though, which is still GREAT, but I just wish Apple would hit that $999 mark for buyers' "psychological" reasons though.

    Apple has NO need to go into the junky "$800 or less" tower trenches with it's tower Macs, and won't.

    MacBook Pro
    I agree with AI.

    Mac Pro
    I agree with AI.

    CORE 2 DUAL QUAD OCTA CORE MAC's starting with DUAL TIGERTON'S, later replaced with CORE 2 SINGLE OCTA CORE HARPERTOWN [obviously will be paired up to bring us a 16 CORE CORE 2 DUAL OCTA CORE HARPERTOWN, that will obviously later be replaced with 32 CORE... YES, 32 CORE!!!, DUNINGTON's...

    j/k... I agree with AI. Woodcrest in Mac Pro... :p

    Single Core 2 quad core "Kentsfield" [dual "Conroe" Core Duo's] in January. Don't know if we'll see those in the new consumer "Mac" tower though. Probably not.

    However, dual Core 2 Core Quad/Quattro[?] "Tigerton's" [dual "Woodcrest" Core Quadro's/Quattros?] should bring us the first... drumroll please...

    Core 2 OCTA Core Mac Pro's & Xserves in '07 though :D

    :confused: ... just shoot me... ;)

    Jul 10, 08:15 PM
    i'm in north central arkansas. town with a population of 12k. we just went 3g a couple of weeks ago. 2 dropped calls since then (one crossing from 2g back to 3g). can't remember last dropped call on 2g.

    Don't panic
    Mar 15, 08:30 AM
    Oh well...Japan is history...

    Time to start relocating the population and all their assets to Afghanistan. Didn't we find some ancient Buddhas there which the Taliban blew up? Well, we now declare that The Holy Buddha Land of the Japs! That MUST be were they originated from! They can even rebuild the nuclear reactors there too since no one gives a crap about that environment evidently. :p

    Come to think of it...it wouldn't be too bad if Japan had to mass evacuate because of contamination. I mean, that place might eventually like blow up and flood at some point in the future right? It looks like it's on the verge of happening actually.

    That would be pretty cool if they evacuated now. I mean, where would they go you may ask? I think they would mostly come the the US. I mean, we sort of helped them build their country up after WWII and we've always had pretty strong ties. Our economy is similar too.

    Hey, we'll take Toyota, and Sony, and Mitsubishi...and heck, whatever can fit on the barges. :) I think it would be pretty symbiotic too as we use a lot of their crap anyway so might as well bring it all home. They have like the best manufacturing in the world and the US can use some of that today. We have lots of barren land all over the place that can be used for industry and Japanese ppl have the money to build here, rather than in the expensive cramped up island of theirs. Jobs for all! woot!

    are you trying to be funny?
    a) you are not
    b) it seems quite inappropriate

    and if you are not. wow.