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Saturday, May 14, 2011

apple iphone 5g pictures

apple iphone 5g pictures. apple iphone 5g release date.
  • apple iphone 5g release date.

  • �algiris
    May 2, 09:34 AM
    Any software for a Mac that says "MAC" in the title or in any documentation would already be suspect to me. Pretty much every person I have run across that thinks it is spelled in all caps as "MAC" has been a moron.

    And just simply in general anti-virus software is useless on Mac, so why would anyone download and install any anti-virus, defender or scanner is above me.

    apple iphone 5g pictures. apple iphone 5g features.
  • apple iphone 5g features.

  • skunk
    Mar 28, 12:10 PM
    Being-green-eyed isn't part of your essence. Neither is being-homosexual. But If you lost one or more essential properties, i.e., one or more parts of your essence, you would stop existing.

    Being-H20 is an essential property that water has. Something is water if and only if it's H2O. All water is H2O, and all H2O is water. So if you remove one or more atoms from any water molecule, then you destroy that water molecule, and it stops existing. After all, nothing can be both water and not water at the same time.Your arguments are becoming more bizarre by the minute. I have no idea what you are on about. What is this "essence" of which you speak? :confused:

    apple iphone 5g pictures. apple iphones for sell,Buyer 2
  • apple iphones for sell,Buyer 2

  • SeattleMoose
    Mar 11, 10:29 AM
    I pray the loss of life is minimal. I was in the 6.8 Northridge Quake that hit LA back in the early 90's. That was a very destructive quake that caused whole buildings to tilt and knocked down part of the I-10 freeway.

    But 8.9!!!! I can't even imagine...and then to have those Tsunami's on top of it.

    apple iphone 5g pictures. iphone 5g images. apple iphone
  • iphone 5g images. apple iphone

  • flopticalcube
    Apr 24, 10:43 AM
    That's true. I think, though, if anything, the hatred of another religion was a pretty strong motivational force in the US armed forces since 9/11. Especially right after, when many people joined up to fight the Muslims who attacked the USA.

    Would attribute that to a personal religious motivation as opposed to an institutional one. Muslims serve in the US forces as well.

    apple iphone 5g pictures. Apple iPhone 5G 32GB.
  • Apple iPhone 5G 32GB.

  • monster620ie
    Apr 13, 05:48 AM
    I am upgrading from fcs3 to this.

    apple iphone 5g pictures. apple iphone 5g price. apple
  • apple iphone 5g price. apple

  • ryme4reson
    Oct 10, 02:59 AM
    Well I tested my G4 933, and I have CHUD tools installed so I can disable my L2 and L3 cache. I also could not get the java to work so I compiled with C++, its the same stuff, but I used time() with gave me seconds, so * 1000 to get the adjusted scores

    Here are my scores

    933 256L2 2MBL3 79 seconds or 79000
    933 NO L2 or L3 124 seconds or 124000
    933 L2 only 79 seconds
    933 L3 only 79 seconds

    Judging by these scores I have to think that CHUD is not working and it only worked with completely disabled. as the diff of 45 seconds.

    And you can get CHUD from apple ftp.apple.com

    Needless to say it takes me 79 seconds when a PV is completing this in 5-10 seconds, something is wrong!! (the the G4)

    Lastly, I have not seen BACKTOTHEMAC telling us how great the G4 is lately, must be installing Win 2K under VPC with a stopwatch in 1 hand, an apple in the other, and a smile on his face...

    <EDIT> I am gonna try to run this on my brothers 333 celeron on a 66MHZ bus with 320 RAM, I know my 933 is not the fastest, but maybe it just found its competition. :) </EDIT>

    apple iphone 5g pictures. Buy:Apple iphone 5G 64GB,Apple
  • Buy:Apple iphone 5G 64GB,Apple

  • neko girl
    Apr 26, 10:14 PM
    Thread topic reminds me of:

    apple iphone 5g pictures. apple iphone 5g features.
  • apple iphone 5g features.

  • mr. who?
    Apr 13, 07:48 AM
    What are the chances that Logic X will be released around the same time?

    Would be awseome, but I doubt it.

    apple iphone 5g pictures. apple iphone 5g features.
  • apple iphone 5g features.

  • dante@sisna.com
    Oct 26, 03:27 AM
    OK. I know that many of my apps aren't going to take advantage of this level of multithreaded power, but I can't help but get excited by this development. After so many years of sluggish improvement, it feels like we're in the midst of rapid (and radical) change.

    I'm hoping that the 8-core, 3.0 (or faster) GHz MacPro arrives the same day as Leopard and about the same time as CS3. I'd gladly swap my 2.66 GHz quad core...:)

    Many of the applications that graphics, audio, and video producers use do take advantage of the extra power. It just happens differently than one might think -- it has via better multitasking. It is up to the user to learn how to use quad and eight core boxes to improve production.

    We've been learning this technique for the past year with PowerMac Quad Core and are blown away by how much more work we accomplish.


    apple iphone 5g pictures. Apple iPhone 5g Leaked Release
  • Apple iPhone 5g Leaked Release

  • iindigo
    May 2, 12:11 PM
    Uh huh. And OSX doesn't ask you to manually enter a password every time you install or change something? Windows only asks you to authorize...which is technically more "annoying"?

    I don't know about you, but once I have my Mac set up (apps and updates installed) about the only thing I enter my password for is to unlock the screen saver. Maybe for the occasional random app I install or when I need to change an otherwise permissions-locked file. It's not a super common thing and if a password dialog pops up for seemingly no reason it sends up a red flag.

    As for which is more obnoxious, I'd have to say UAC by far. As noted previously, the user is prompted with UAC for many things you'd never see a password dialog in OS X or Linux for. This is partially because due to a design flaw in Windows, many third-party applications won't even run unless they have administrator access (silly, no?).

    I actually don't know anyone who has ever disabled UAC.

    Our experiences differ, then. A good half or more of the students at my college have theirs disabled. The reason always cited is, "because it was annoying".

    apple iphone 5g pictures. apple iphone 5g features.
  • apple iphone 5g features.

  • Edge100
    Apr 15, 10:48 AM
    Are you sure you are from 'Planet Earth'? :rolleyes:

    Sadly, I think he shares the opinion of many, many people here on good 'ole Earth. It boggles the mind that anyone believes any of this nonsense in the 21st century.

    apple iphone 5g pictures. For Sell:Apple iphone 5G 64GB
  • For Sell:Apple iphone 5G 64GB

  • samcraig
    Mar 18, 12:37 PM
    I want that text so I can call them up and lambast the eff out of them.

    I'm not jailbroken, I don't tether. But it pisses me off that they are wanting to limit data.

    I just checked, my data use per month for the last six months is anywhere from 4GB-7GB a month. Mostly because I stream a radio station. Pandora is better at managing data sending it in packets, this app uses straight streaming.

    I'll be staying off my wifi at home and at work.

    Ok - so you didn't even get the text. You might never get the text - but yet you're still going to have a tantrum and "teach ATT a lesson" ??? Ok - good luck with that.

    I never said anything about it being an accident. I also don't think your argument is "clear" unless you have some kind of internal information that the rest of us don't know about.

    If it is really that simple to develop "rules and logic engines" to crack down on tethering, why did it take almost a full year (after introducing tethering) to do it? A logical evaluation of network activity (one that can be done by a computer) works in many cases, but there are always instances where it misses things, or triggers a false alert. AT&T is limited in this regard. I also don't see anything special about the mobile hotspot feature that allows AT&T more access to information that it did not have previously. See the rest of my post.

    If people aren't being careful about what they are doing online while tethered (for example, they are doing things their iPhones cannot do natively), it's pretty simple for AT&T to see that kind of activity. But someone who is smart about it can probably get by indefinitely.

    I think AT&T is starting to panicking about the people who are leaving to go to Verizon. They need to make sure they are milking every dime they can get out of the iPhone users they still have

    You missed the point of what I said in my post. For one - I explained why they may have waited. Pretty clearly.

    I'm guessing a lot of people here are pissing and moaning about something that hasn't even affected them (yet) and might not ever. Which is even sillier. It sounds like very few (if any) on this thread actually GOT the email/txt.

    And to reiterate what I said several posts ago (but so few people read full threads...) that I don't agree with ATT charging twice for people on CAPPED plans. If you pay for 2 gigs - you should get 2 gigs - no matter what. It's finite.

    But unlimited data is a different matter. And for those that can't understand or see the difference - there's little use in trying to explain it over and over. You don't get it.

    apple iphone 5g pictures. apple iphone 5g images. iphone
  • apple iphone 5g images. iphone

  • Stage
    Mar 19, 11:54 PM
    If only people could work up a tenth of this kind of moral indignation over things that really matter, like poverty or racism. I despair that the only thing that seems to get geeks politically active is the threat that they won't be able to use their music illegally. It's sad, really.

    Yeah, you can't. Instead of being out protesting you are stuck at your computer dissing IP geeks. Mmm...Sad and hypocritical. Now that's sad.

    apple iphone 5g pictures. Apple iPhone 5g Model:
  • Apple iPhone 5g Model:

  • Sydde
    Mar 15, 06:40 PM
    Somewhere I think I read that Fukushima Dai-ichi was just a few months away from final retirement of the entire facility after twice its designed lifetime. But there almost certainly must be spent fuel rods in all the basins, since fuel changes are done at least as often as 18 months and spent fuel takes two to four years to cool enough to be safely moved offsite. The fuel still contains enough U-235 to produce considerable heat from just decay, but internal pollutants reduce its ability to contribute in a reactive core. Presumably, spent fuel is not considered to be able/likely to generate a critical event (neutron flux is too compromised by pollutants) so it would not require such sturdy containment as would a reactor.

    To me, this operation looks slightly slipshod, almost like brinkmanship. Pushing nuclear systems even half way to their limits seems like too risky.

    apple iphone 5g pictures. New Apple iPhone 5G / Apple
  • New Apple iPhone 5G / Apple

  • WestonHarvey1
    Apr 15, 11:55 AM
    I'm just saying that it's very simple:

    Someone who tells you, in the face of scientific evidence, that they believe who you are is wrong and that you should change can only be described as being hateful.

    Their intentions are irrelevant if they're telling you something that is proven to be harmful.

    No but hold on a second. I don't know what scientific evidence has to say about something like morality. It may certainly be that sexuality is immutable. But if you're referring to my quote from the Catechism (and I lost track)... that doesn't say homosexuals are required to change their sexuality.

    apple iphone 5g pictures. apple iphone 5g release date
  • apple iphone 5g release date

  • The Beatles
    Apr 9, 11:15 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Govt SCUM!! (lol jk :D)

    No need to soften the blow, I think your right on target.

    apple iphone 5g pictures. For Sell:Apple iphone 5G 64GB
  • For Sell:Apple iphone 5G 64GB

  • Macnoviz
    Sep 26, 05:08 AM
    So, first it was the number of transistors per processor, then they coupled that with higher clock speeds (MHz) and now with multi-cores inside multi-processors.

    Is there a limit to such growth with the current technology?

    Anything after that? The optical computer that works with light instead of electricity and thus does not heat soo much? Any roadmap?


    How about Quantum computers?

    apple iphone 5g pictures. Original Apple iPhone 5G
  • Original Apple iPhone 5G

  • GGJstudios
    May 2, 01:00 PM
    It's not "helpful." I don't need to be "reminded" the file I downloaded a second ago was downloaded from the internet. I'm sure others find it useful, but for me, it's pointless and annoying..
    While you may not need a reminder for an app that you downloaded a second ago, what about an app that might get downloaded without the user's knowledge, perhaps with the name of a well-known app they currently use? The presence of this reminder would alert them to the fact that they're about to launch something other than what they expected. Besides, how often are you downloading and first-launching apps? It's not enough of an annoyance to worry about and the benefit outweighs the inconvenience for most people.

    apple iphone 5g pictures. For Sale Apple Iphone 5G 64gb.
  • For Sale Apple Iphone 5G 64gb.

  • noahtk
    Apr 9, 04:16 PM
    Pay off Sony for PSP ports!!!

    Oct 25, 10:48 PM
    Well based on nothing really except I've been using apple a long time, worked in their retail stores for a while, and know how they like to be cutting edge (yet dependable and pretty), I'd say count on 8 cores for xmas. Maybe not november, but maybe so. I think the thought alone of HP and Dell releasing prosumer workstations with 8 cores leaving Apple behind when Vista launches is just too much to let slide for Apple.
    And why is that? Christmas is a big time of year to sell Professional Machines? Nope. Expect all of Apple's energy to be going into consumer products for the rest of the year.

    Don't be suprirsed that iTV (or dare I say a video iPod) get's launched in November, right before Thanksgiving.

    Nov 1, 03:24 PM
    Well the Maya application itself won't benefit anymore from 8 cores than it would from 2 or 4. But 8-cores will help immensely with rendering, especially if he uses MentalRay and has enough licenses. Currently Maya Complete has 2 licenses and Maya Unlimited has 8. I'm not sure how the Maya licenses will apply to quad-core CPUs just yet.

    Sweet. That's what we needed to know. I believe he has Maya Unlimited so he should be good for the 8 cores no matter how they decide to license it.

    Is the ability to render using more than 2 cores a feature of both Maya 7 and Maya 8?

    Oct 7, 11:45 AM
    Of course Android might surpass the iPhone. The iPhone is limited to 1 device whereas the Android is spanned over many more devices and will continue to branch out.

    You, sir have hit the nail on the head.

    Apr 13, 04:40 AM
    Finally Grand Central has been used in a major app.

    Apr 22, 09:48 PM
    It's a never-ending speculation.

    Even if we managed to explore every square inch of time and space you can always ask, "but what if something exists beyond that?"

    The question remains, what makes an atheist?

    The desire to see some form of proof before believing in an extraordinary explanation.

    It's pretty simple really.

    My initial point was a lot of people who say they are atheists are just atheists because they think it's hip or trendy. When confronted they don't even say they'll believe in God if there's proof, they typically say there is no God, There is no way God can exist, bla bla bla...