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Saturday, May 14, 2011

sony ericsson xperia play white

sony ericsson xperia play white. White Sony Ericsson XPERIA
  • White Sony Ericsson XPERIA

  • iMattcotv
    Apr 9, 09:29 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I love how people are comparing an iOS device with a PS3 or Xbox..

    Classic Chalk or Pen post.

    sony ericsson xperia play white. Sony Ericsson XPERIA PLAY
  • Sony Ericsson XPERIA PLAY

  • the vj
    Apr 15, 10:03 AM
    A few months ago I deleted and started to reject all the people I knew from high school in my Facebook, well, the ones that after almost 20 years came to me to add me as a friend but they were the ones that make my life a living hell and used me and took advantaged and then they turned their back on me.

    You know what... get lost!

    sony ericsson xperia play white. If the black Xperia Play is
  • If the black Xperia Play is

  • R.Perez
    Mar 13, 03:48 PM
    That would destroy the local ecology (yes, there IS ecology there) as well as a number of historical and archaeological sites, and obliterate native-owned lands that provide subsistence in the form of pine nuts and springs among other things. There is nowhere in the US were a 100x100mi solar array would be acceptable.

    None of the studies I have read proposing this, have suggested the sort of ecological impact you are implying. This is pure, unadulterated, BS.

    sony ericsson xperia play white. Sony Ericsson Xperia Play
  • Sony Ericsson Xperia Play

  • killr_b
    Oct 25, 11:49 PM
    What type of filters are you applying? Perhaps the plug-in hasn't been optimized for multiple cores.

    That was with the flicker filter on max, and a minor color corection using the color corrector.

    sony ericsson xperia play white. Sony Ericsson Xperia Play
  • Sony Ericsson Xperia Play

  • Chappers
    Mar 13, 12:13 PM
    When pumps failed to pump in water and the back up diesel powered generators failed they ran into problems.

    If its important - have more than one backup. Risk assessment means always thinking of the worse case scenario. Pumping in sea water seems like a panic back up plan.

    sony ericsson xperia play white. Sony Ericsson Xperia Play
  • Sony Ericsson Xperia Play

  • PhantomPumpkin
    Apr 21, 08:28 AM
    There are already a score of malware and spyware on Android, including software that phish for bank customer information of Fandroids.

    And a nice Skype app that was able to send your private data out.


    sony ericsson xperia play white. White Sony Ericsson XPERIA
  • White Sony Ericsson XPERIA

  • Howdr
    Mar 18, 08:26 AM
    I'm happy to see some of the responsible replies here. I also say bravo to AT&T. It seems like whenever a thread like this comes up, it brings out the MacRumors den of thieves who like to circumvent data plans and steal data that the rest of us our paying for.

    I like the teathering plan and don't mind paying for it. If I didn't like it, I wouldn't have subscribed. Simple as that. Nobody is twisting my arm.

    I will agree that AT&T is taking us to the cleaners. It sucks, but I either don't give them my money or suck it up. We all make choices. Mine is simply that I won't steal to get what I want.
    I'm not a thief, I use my data responsible.

    Its appalling that your so righteous to post such.

    I have an unlimited plan, $30 a month, I use tether for a few things but do not go over 5gb a month, I have unlimited so it shouldn't matter, but I use much less then the one poster who claims 90gb a month to download movies.

    Yes I think thats abuse.

    I think anything over 10 to 20gb would be pure abuse.

    but occasional tethering and under that 10gb abuse? No way.

    I need to calm down because it bothers me that people are so brainwashed these days to accept what ever a company does.

    It's just crap. No matter what a Contract says it can be challenged in court and we could be right and At&t wrong.

    sony ericsson xperia play white. sony ericsson xperia play
  • sony ericsson xperia play

  • Liquorpuki
    Mar 14, 06:04 PM
    It would require a multi-tiered approach. We have abundant coal which I believe can be made to burn cleanly although I'm not necessarily advocating that. And none of these sources if they break down (except nuclear) threaten huge geographical areas with basically permanent radioactivity. In case of worst case accidents, it could be plowed under but we'd still have substantial problems. The thing about nuclear power if it was perfect it would be a great power source, but it is far from perfect and the most dangerous.

    I think technology has to advance first and we got no choice but to be patient.
    - Clean coal and coal capture tech needs to advance so we know what to do with the extracted carbon. Right now it just sits underground, like nuclear waste and we hope it doesn't leak.
    - Nuclear waste treatment tech needs to advance so the decay rate of waste can be accelerated, and the amount of waste reduced
    - Grid energy storage tech needs to advance so renewables can be integrated into base load and we can phase out fossil fuels and nuclear.
    - Smartgrid tech needs to get integrated. For everyone worried about electricity consumption, Smartgrid is an answer.

    And the things that are going on in Japan are a result of stupid engineering. The engineers did not design the plant to adequately protect the backup generator switchgear. If they did, there'd be no danger of a meltdown right now. And if what Goto said is correct, there's also an engineering ethics issue involved with the containment vessel not being designed to an appropriate standard. This is an example of why engineering is so damn important. Even with an earthquake or tsunami, this was totally preventable.

    The fact remains that most of America's energy problems are caused by conspicuous consumption.

    If you're talking about energy consumption, yeah, and that's primarily because of oil. If you're talking about electricity consumption, we're actually not that bad.

    And the solution is to shift reliance on oil to reliance on electricity. Which is why electric vehicles are gonna be big in the future.

    sony ericsson xperia play white. Pricing of the Xperia Play has
  • Pricing of the Xperia Play has

  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 11, 06:22 PM
    Hmph... I haven't been to the Dell forums in a while or I probably wouldv'e seen that. Oh, well. Already ordered my other 30" display the other day, I'm not going to complain. :cool:

    sony ericsson xperia play white. Sony Ericsson Xperia PLAY tech
  • Sony Ericsson Xperia PLAY tech

  • ksz
    Oct 25, 10:46 PM
    I am so there with the cash ready a willing to fly out the window to Apple's account sooner than Apple can say:

    "8-Core Mac Pro Available At the Apple Online Store For Ordering." :)
    If it has hardware RAID and eSATA I'll be ordering mine within seconds of the announcement...well, after checking the price of course.

    sony ericsson xperia play white. sony ericsson xperia play
  • sony ericsson xperia play

  • AhmedFaisal
    Mar 15, 10:41 PM
    Chernobyl was 25 years ago and Russia was not very open to outside help ... no matter how bad this escalades ... somehow this will be contained.

    Irrespective of that, given that the reactor design is not the same as Chernobyl an accident of that sort is simply not possible with these reactor types. Chernobyl was a supercriticality event, a runaway nuclear reaction which is a high risk in a high positive void coefficient design like the RBMK which uses graphite as a moderator and water simply for cooling. Loss of cooling in this design leads to a nuclear explosion due to gas bubbles being less off a neutron absorber than liquid and burning graphite along with it. BWR designs such as the ones in Fukushima can't go supercritical if coolant is lost. Thus an explosion and moderator burn such as the one in Chernobyl can't happen. As such, the worst case is a local loss of containment and core melt that can lead to moderate amounts of radioactivity escaping into the immediate local environment. A widespread contamination over hundreds of square miles is simply not possible. As such, the current news reporting is irresponsible spreading of half baked information and knowledge and nothing but fearmongering.
    The same goes for some of the BS that is being posted about Germany's reactors or other reactors in western Europe for that matter. Western EU countries do not use RBMK type technology or other high positive void coefficient designs, the only ones that still do is the Czech Republic and a few other former Soviet countries and these reactors are being phased out and being replaced by modern LWR and other designs with western aid.

    sony ericsson xperia play white. Xperia Play Black White - Sony
  • Xperia Play Black White - Sony

  • Apple OC
    Mar 11, 01:03 AM
    Watching these Tsunami pictures on CNN ... I hope people will be OK.


    Edit ... 2:15am watching it Live on CNN ... unbelievable footage

    sony ericsson xperia play white. Sony Ericsson Unveil White
  • Sony Ericsson Unveil White

  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 19, 02:32 PM
    Congrats! Hope you have better luck than me.. I had to refuse mine on monday because the box was mangled and crushed. Dell is shipping a new one, but I don't have tracking/delivery info yet. :( But like I said before, I have one already and love the the thing.

    And now for the update... Dell re-shipped via UPS next-day. Still took until yesterday apparently to actually ship from Dell. But it's here. I just plugged it in and everything looks just fine. No dead/stuck pixels I can see. But then again, that's the way my first one was I bought nearly a year ago. After about 3 months, *POP!* one blue stuck pixel. Hehe, these two screens look maaaavolous together. :D Would it be gloating too much if I posted a pic? Heheheh... Maybe I'll bust out the camera after I clean off my desk. ;)

    sony ericsson xperia play white. Sony Ericsson Xperia Play
  • Sony Ericsson Xperia Play

  • Insilin1i
    Feb 24, 08:10 AM
    Android might surpass the iPhone. The iPhone is limited to 1 device whereas the Android is spanned over many more devices and will continue to branch out.

    This could also be a flaw, I would be really annoyed if I bought the best droid available and then a month later another six of them come out better than mine. A lot of people like buying the best available and then riding it out until the next model is available, but when there phone gets replaced by another 40 phones I am not to sure how people will react.

    sony ericsson xperia play white. Sony Ericsson will launch its
  • Sony Ericsson will launch its

  • AdrianK
    Apr 6, 11:19 AM
    This. Though there are exceptions. As iCole suggests taking a screenshot out of the box is a bit counter-intuitive when the keyboards lack a "print screen" button. :p However you can do that using Preview or Grab.

    cmd-shft-3 to get a screen shot *instantly* on your desktop

    Opening snipping tool
    switching to full screen mode
    choosing a file name
    quit the app

    sony ericsson xperia play white. Sony-Ericsson-Xperia-Play-1.
  • Sony-Ericsson-Xperia-Play-1.

  • mhdena
    Jul 10, 08:50 PM
    In my opinion AT&T is the worst service in the universe; Here in Boulder Colorado You have to carry 2 phones! my iphone through at&t and the one I actually can make calls on.:mad:

    The iphone has been the weakest phone on AT&T since it came out. You might as well carry an ipod touch and another phone to talk on if you have to have an apple device with you.:rolleyes:

    sony ericsson xperia play white. sony ericsson xperia play
  • sony ericsson xperia play

  • darkplanets
    Mar 14, 01:23 PM
    You Puma and Sushi keep trying to play this down because you 'know how a nuclear reactor works', yet every day your "nowt trouble a t'mill" assurances are just hammered by a new event. An analogy in my mind right now would be architects insisting while we're watching smoke billowing from the towers on our screens that the girders were fireproof-coated so there's no risk of them melting and the buildings collapsing...
    Did you even read the previously posted article? Please do. I understand the cause of concern, and that's fine, it's just the unwarranted running around with the chicken little complex that doesn't fit. As per the towers... well, we could make a whole other thread about that, but see this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tube_%28structure%29). Having a hole ripped in your primary support structure tends to destroy your building, fireproofed or not.

    Sorry, but the rest of us know how govts and corporations work. They lie. They cover their own arses. They are incompetent. Gulf oil spill. This very same Tokyo electric company saw the CEO and others resign a few years ago for falsifying safety records. So you ignore the most important aspect of the fleet readings. That they contradict the 'official' line we are being told. That they've now officially been caught lying about how bad it actually is. Did you read any of my previous posts? Of course they lie. Of course the validity of their statements is in question. I said it previously in this thread, multiple times. They also don't necessarily contradict the "official" line.

    Look, again, I understand your concern, but I'm going to have to tow the line at the mutant babies remark. Here's a problem; who do you trust? I don't want to spend the time gathering scientific literature for you, so for this next part I'm going to quote the NRC, since it's convenient. I realize you have on your tin foil hat and will probably call this a farce, but I can assure you that there IS literature out there to corroborate these facts.

    1) The average radiation exposure to people is ~620 mrem/year-- this means that this ship picked up 52 mrem/hour of radiation from the could. (Read: Only 52 mrem-- the ship was only "in it" for an hour)

    2) A CT scan is 150 mrem. Depending on the X-ray, it can be around 30-50 mrem.

    3) People working with the NRC have an occupational limit of 5000 mrem.

    4) Those people living in areas having high levels of background radiation � above 1,000 mrem (10 mSv) per year � such as Denver, Colorado, have shown no adverse biological effects.

    5) Cancers associated with high-dose exposure (greater than 50,000 mrem) include leukemia, breast, bladder, colon, liver, lung, esophagus, ovarian, multiple myeloma, and stomach cancers. Department of
    Health and Human Services literature also suggests a possible association between ionizing radiation exposure and prostate, nasal cavity/sinuses, pharyngeal and laryngeal, and pancreatic cancer.

    6) Although radiation may cause cancers at high doses and high dose rates, currently there are no data to establish unequivocally the occurrence of cancer following exposure to low doses and dose rates � below about 10,000 mrem (100 mSv).

    So yes, if we park the ship in the cloud and wait, and follow the cloud (and it's diffusion), someone may have an adverse effect eventually. You do know how gaseous diffusion works, right? As well as precipitation, metal complexation, and solubility, right? I'll assume not. You should do some reading; that dosage of 52 mrem/hour isn't going to stay like that for long.

    Here's (http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/doc-collections/fact-sheets/bio-effects-radiation.html) the link for the NRC data.

    Also, you might want to look up three models of radiation exposure (which I also had previously mentioned, if you read my posts): linear no threshold, linear with adjustment factor, and logarithmic.

    The residents will be fine, you can put away your tin foil hats. If we have a melt down, then we'll talk.

    sony ericsson xperia play white. Sony Ericsson Xperia Play
  • Sony Ericsson Xperia Play

  • amorya
    Apr 13, 09:38 AM
    I do have to agree that Apple is strangely moving away from the core pro market that was very loyal.

    I've just gone and read through the tweets from @fcpsupermeet, which describe the event. From comments like this (I pick this one as an example, loads of people are expressing the sentiment) I was expecting something really consumer-focussed, rather than:

    "Really great color tools built in. Animated windows, keyed secondaries, demo looks really good."

    "Auto guides and keyframes for motion effects a lot like Motion (without the silly record button)."

    "Single clip match grade between shots. Just saw a VERY fast auto render."

    "Automatic dual system audio via waveform analysis"

    ""Compound Clips": collapse chunks of media into a single clip on the timeline. How nesting always should have worked."

    "Can start editing during ingest of AVCHD and other media, switches silently to local media as it ingests"

    "Resolution independent playback/timeline all the way up to 4K"

    Now, I'm not a video pro. I'll admit I'm a hobbyist: I was part of my university's film making society, and I've done various projects myself, but it's not my professional gig. But I can't see anything here that shows Apple moving away from the pro market. As far as I can tell they've done a really ambitious ground-up Cocoa rewrite of FCP, streamlining the workflow to make it quicker to use (no more render dialogs!), and at the same time building in loads of new tech like colour matching throughout.

    Is the only thing people are bothered about the fact that they changed the UI? Because other than that, I just can't see what the complaints are about. We haven't heard any actual confirmed statements of features being removed, so why assume that any crucial ones have been? They'd have been nuts to switch away from a timeline-based system like iMovie did, and so of course they didn't do that. They rewrote everything from scratch to remove a bunch of legacy baggage (like the lack of multithreading, and the Carbon UI that prevented it going 64 bit), which is awesome, but I completely can't see any evidence of a change of focus.


    sony ericsson xperia play white. sony ericsson xperia play
  • sony ericsson xperia play

  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 26, 10:15 AM
    I don't believe you. I use applications that want 3-4 cores EACH. And I need to run 2-4 of them simultaneously. No way is Apple going to ship dual Clovertowns if they provide no benefit. I think AppliedVisual also does not believe you. In other words:

    You may be mistaken.

    Looks like others have addressed it, but OSX along with the Tiger kernel updates, scales pretty good. Every bit as good as any Linux implementation and probably as good or better than WinXP.

    They will ship Clovertowns as soon as they can... As I've said, it's a software issue, so know your software before you choose 8-core vs. 4-core. But there's plenty of software out their that can benefit from the 8-core system. Like I've said, Photoshop itself isn't multithreaded/multi-core capable directly, but various plug-ins are. It's also possible to spread multiple batch instances across CPU cores, so even though much of our current software is limited (or just plain multi-core ignorant), there's still ways to utilize the multiple cores within just about any production workflow.

    Mar 13, 06:06 PM
    Huh? I agreed with you that there are more car accident deaths. But just as I said Chernobyl is an estimated death toll. My point is many deaths from a nuclear accident aren't known. I personally know someone who died from the effects of Chernobyl who wasn't included in the estimation. I'm sure there are many, many more.

    Your anecdotal evidence, though saddening, proves nothing. Expert estimates place the figure at around 4000 and anything other than that is just playing fantasy conspiracy theory. Playing on people's fears of what is not known is just poor science.

    Perhaps the true figure is an unknown but even if we underestimate the figure by 10 times, it's still small compared to other risks and given that nuclear power is still in it's infancy, that risk can only go down with time as it did in other industries and technologies like cars. I would think the biggest risk from nuclear power at the moment belongs to the uranium ore miners.

    People have the same irrational fear about flying. Every time there is a horrific plane crash, many people become afraid of flying for a short period of time afterwards, ignoring the excellent all-round safety record. Personally, I think it's because with flying or nuclear power, the risk lies outside of one's personal control. Walking or driving appears much safer because you are the one in control, even if statistics prove otherwise.

    May 2, 08:49 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/05/02/new-macdefender-malware-threat-for-mac-os-x/)


    Antivirus firm Intego today noted (http://blog.intego.com/2011/05/02/macdefender-rogue-anti-malware-program-attacks-macs-via-seo-poisoning/) the discovery of new malware known as "MACDefender" targeting Mac OS X users via Safari. According to the report, the malware appears to be being deployed via JavaScript as a compressed ZIP file reached through Google searches.When a user clicks on a link after performing a search on a search engine such as Google, this takes them to a web site whose page contains JavaScript that automatically downloads a file. In this case, the file downloaded is a compressed ZIP archive, which, if a specific option in a web browser is checked (Open "safe" files after downloading in Safari, for example), will open.More information is available in Apple's support communities (1 (https://discussions.apple.com/thread/3029144), 2 (https://discussions.apple.com/thread/3029310)), where users report that the malware is popping up directly in Google image searches.

    Users running administrator accounts and with the Safari option to open "safe" files automatically checked appear to be most at risk, with some claiming that no notification of installation was seen or password required. Only when a screen popped up asking for a credit card number to sign up for virus protection did they realize that malware had been installed on their systems.

    For those infected with the MACDefender malware, the following steps are recommended:

    1. Open Applications > Utilities > Activity Monitor and quit any processes linked to MACDefender.

    2. Delete MACDefender from the Applications folder.

    3. Check System Preferences > Accounts > Login Items for suspicious entries

    4. Run a Spotlight search for "MACDefender" to check for any associated files that might still be lingering.

    Full details on the malware and the simplest steps needed for its complete removal are still being investigated.

    Users are of course reminded that day-to-day system usage with standard accounts rather than administrator ones, as well as unchecking the Safari option for automatically opening "safe" files, are two of the simplest ways users can enhance their online security, adding extra layers of confirmation and passwords in the way of anything being installed on their systems.

    Article Link: New 'MACDefender' Malware Threat for Mac OS X (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/05/02/new-macdefender-malware-threat-for-mac-os-x/)

    Jun 12, 10:02 AM
    However, you are unfortunately stuck in the position that if you buy the device, you are buying ATT service. As long as this continues to happen, then Apple really doesn't have any incentive to move it to other carriers. I mean, technically they do, but if there are service complaints, yet the very same people who complain still continue to purchase the new one ever year, then that's not sending a very strong message, in my opinion.

    Mar 15, 10:07 PM
    ... no matter how bad this escalades ... somehow this will be contained.

    Considering that the conditions at the facility appear to be deteriorating, you might need to rethink what you mean by "contained".

    May 2, 04:47 PM
    Really? Find a source that makes the statements you suggest above that is unbiased. By unbiased, I mean a source that doesn't sell vulnerabilities to ZDI which then produces and markets specific hardware security appliances to generate revenue.

    Hooking the APIs to log protected passwords in Mac OS X requires privilege escalation.

    unbiased as opposed to a Mac site.... yeah right!

    Mac users tend to be a better target for old fashioned phishing/vishing because...well, 'nothing bad happens on a Mac..' right?