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Friday, May 13, 2011

new york skyline tattoo

new york skyline tattoo. Tattoo Artist Scott Campbell
  • Tattoo Artist Scott Campbell

  • milo
    Jul 13, 08:51 AM
    Lame poll choices.

    Most likely is BOTH woodcrest and conroe in different models. Woodcrest is necessary for quad, but using it in a single chip configuration is a waste of money.

    Apple needs to deliver both maximum performance and reasonably fast performance at a reasonable price.

    new york skyline tattoo. new york skyline tattoo.
  • new york skyline tattoo.

  • Salacion
    Apr 20, 07:14 PM
    Good for you.

    I'm a former iPhone user.
    The cost difference in an Android was great, and I don't regret it one bit because the experience is far superior FOR ME.

    Live and let live, your iPhone is not a Ferrari.

    After hearing some parts of your mind, you definitely correlate well with your Android device.

    new york skyline tattoo. Tattoo
  • Tattoo

  • CylonGlitch
    Feb 16, 03:33 PM
    Two issues :

    1) From the original post "In as many as 40 models of Android devices will ship, . . . "

    How the heck is a developer supposed to support that many different devices? Even if there were 5 different screen resolutions, it would be hard to optimize your app for each. Now different RAM configurations, different CPU's, different everything, OUCH.

    2) 3 BILLION downloads! If you have had an iPhone for the last few years and have purchased maybe 50 to 100 applications; are you willing to give up not only your hardware, AND the software you purchased but all the DATA that you've put into those applications just to switch OSs? I can see if you're someone who only uses it for gaming or social networking, yeah, but many people have TONs of time and energy put into USING their applications. Yes, I know, some people will, but the masses will think twice about it.

    new york skyline tattoo. new york skyline tattoo.
  • new york skyline tattoo.

  • AJsAWiz
    Jun 13, 06:08 PM
    The perfect solution would be for apple to give all US carriers the Iphone. Then we can go and pick the network that works best. People that like At&t stay with At&t, if you want Verizon or t-mobile then go, that way we all live happy. It�s your call Apple :apple: we customers deserve to choose our carrier for our iphone.

    I agree ;)

    new york skyline tattoo. Jersey/New York skyline.
  • Jersey/New York skyline.

  • deannnnn
    Oct 7, 10:11 PM
    You guys are all forgetting. The world is going to end in 2012 so it wont matter. :)

    I hope the 4G iPhone is out in time!

    new york skyline tattoo. Barton Silverman/The New York
  • Barton Silverman/The New York

  • Lord Blackadder
    Aug 29, 03:55 PM
    I dislike Greenpeace - their list may or may not have some relevance but this is one messanger I wouldn't mind shooting.

    new york skyline tattoo. stock photo : NEW YORK
  • stock photo : NEW YORK

  • javajedi
    Oct 9, 08:03 PM
    Someone inquired about the benchmark Java console program I created:

    It's located at http://members.ij.net/javajedi

    I've also included the source (FPMathTest.java) for the curious.

    Download the class file and invoke it from Terminal via "java FPMathTest"

    I must warn you in advance my PowerBook G4 performs miserabily. It does not utilize Altivec(G4), SSE2(P4), or other vector processing extensions.

    Enjoy :)


    new york skyline tattoo. 18-foot New York skyline
  • 18-foot New York skyline

  • Mord
    Jul 13, 11:00 AM
    the single xeon configs i was refering to were netburst based ones.


    a pair of 512 sticks for woodcrest is 200 bucks (FB-dimm 4200)

    a pair of 512 sticks for conroe is about 140 bucks (ddr2 5300)

    thus the 60 buck retail difference translates to about a 35-40 buck difference in bulk apple prices.

    a 2.4GHz conroe costs $316

    a 2.33GHz woodcrest costs $455

    $139 difference, to apple allot less probably about 50 or so due to the huge discounts they will be getting from intel (and don't tell my the bulk 1000 prices are the discounts as they are nearly identical to newegg prices)


    their are not too many of these about so their is rather a mark up

    350 bucks for woodcrest

    250 bucks for a 975X

    again to apple the difference is allot less about 20 bucks manufacturing, their is a huge mark up mobo's are just printed out. for apple the difference will only be in the chipset and maybe extra ram slots if they made two

    i was a bit off in the cpu price difference, but thats the one part which apple will get for the best price.

    selling SMP rigs with one cpu is commonplace as it gives a low entry price, to make a whole SKU is just silly.

    apple tried the powermac mini as it were and you did not buy it, it was called the g4 cube.

    new york skyline tattoo. new york skyline tattoo.
  • new york skyline tattoo.

  • SandynJosh
    Apr 9, 04:19 AM
    Gaming on idevices is for nubes. Live on PS3, Xbox and the future NGP.

    Let me watch you play those on the subway. This is all about portable gaming.

    new york skyline tattoo. New York City Skyline Tattoo
  • New York City Skyline Tattoo

  • Multimedia
    Oct 26, 03:39 PM
    You won't see a Clovertown Mac Pro until after Adobe announces the ship date for CS3. The reasons are simple -- a) most would-be Mac Pro purchasers are holding off until the native version of Creative Suite; I know you may find this hard to believe, but the entire multimedia industry does not revolve around the Adobe Suite of graphics applications. Plus the industry is already rolling with G5 Quads for that work. There are plenty of other products that are way UB multi-core ready and/or would like to be run simultaneously in a fully blown multi-application multi-threaded workload.and b) marketing-wise changing from a dual dual 3 GHz high end to a dual quad 2.66 GHz high end would be seen as a downgrade.Yeah. Professional Mac Pro users can't do the math. :rolleyes:

    4 x 3=12GHz


    8 x 2.66= 21.28GHz

    I wonder which one will get my Multi-Threaded Workload done faster? :confused: :eek:Apple will wait for CS3, and by then there will be a 3+ GHz Clovertown available which will provide for an upgrade that would be much easier to market and sell.I believe you are mistaken. A ton of dual 2.66GHz Clovertowns from various vendors will ship next month. Apple can't be seen as the only major Intel vendor to not ship dual Clovertowns in November and put it off until April or May. They would in effect be passing on an entire selling cycle. That would be business suicide. It would also be impossible.

    Yes there I said it. What you suggest as will be the future is IMPOSSIBLE.

    Oh and welcome to MacRumors. ;) :p :D

    new york skyline tattoo. New York Skyline
  • New York Skyline

  • Ugg
    Apr 15, 10:50 AM
    I have a couple problems with this approach. There's so much attention brought to this issue of specifically gay bullying that it's hard to see this outside of the framework of identity politics.

    Where's the videos and support for fat kids being bullied?

    Bullying is a universal problem that affects just about anyone with some kind of difference others choose to pick on. It seems like everyone is just ignoring all that for this hip, trendy cause.

    It's absolutely appalling that you're hijacking this thread to promote your own agenda. The project was started because a boy named Trevor committed suicide because he was bullied for being gay.

    Are there fat kids who commit suicide for being bullied? Probably, but since this is a voluntary, grass roots effort on the part of gay adults who were bullied when they were young....

    Maybe the rest of society needs to do pick up the banner for their own cause instead of lashing out at what is, once again, a voluntary effort.

    First and foremost, I myself am a gay male in his 20's. I know all about discrimination and bullying. I've lived it first-hand, but perhaps nowhere near to the extent that it appears to be common these days, where teenagers are basically pushed to suicide in some cases. It is sad and I can barely begin to imagine their pain.

    With that said, however, I'm not super excited by these campaigns that seem to be sprouting, left and right, that, more or less, encourage people to be gay/lesbian/whatever. At the end of the day that's basically the underlying message in all these videos: "Go ahead, by gay. It's perfectly fine."

    Personally, I think that is a decision that one has to arrive to after much soul-searching. It's a very private journey and I'm not so sure that the media should be offering this type of "GO FOR IT!" message. One should come to accept who he/she is and embrace the inevitable consequences of the lifestyle. Let's face it, it's not easy at all for the vast majority of people who live this lifestyle, no matter how picture-perfect they want to brag about how their life is. That's 100% BULL. I have a very open-minded family (who even welcomes my other half like a son of their own) and I live in Orlando (one VERY gay city), but this alternate route is nowhere near easy or rose-colored.

    So, I'm very in between. I'm all for ensuring we don't get mistreated or discriminated but I also think all these teens (the target audience of these campaigns) shouldn't be exposed to this type of encouragement either. I'm very disgusted with the GLBT community as of late, with all the bigotry and one-sided attitude. It's funny how we all want to be heard, accepted, and given a chance to express ourselves and fight for what we believe in, but the minute any group, church, or organization stands behind their beliefs, they're immediately labeled as hateful, homophobes with no hearts. Seriously, WTF? Aren't THEY entitled to fight for what THEY believe in as well? I think respect is a two-way street. We sure cry and moan and whine if we don't get any of it, but I see a lot of my own community acting quick to bad-mouth anyone that doesn't support our agenda. Maybe that's why I'm so "eh" about this whole thing.

    What does your rant have to do with the Trevor Project? Kids have the right to grow up in a healthy supporting environment. Encouraging religious hate in schools sort of defeats the point of education, doesn't it?

    Gay kids have the highest rate of self-harm, substance abuse, homelessness, and yes, suicide. Why should a special effort not be made to help them? Why shouldn't we encourage kids to feel good about who they are?

    You don't choose to be gay, you do choose to hate.

    You could make the argument that a certain amount of bullying is actually a good thing because it forces kids to develop a thick skin and learn how to deal with aggressive and negative people. Life isn't a nice place -- and it's not like you can rat to a teacher or your parents if your boss is a d-bag who makes your life miserable every day because he is charge.

    So as I mentioned above, gay kids have the highest rate of self-harm, substance abuse, homelessness, and yes, suicide. Is it wrong to tell the kids to hang in there? That things will truly get better? I don't think so and once again I'm appalled that anyone could view the Trevor Project as a BAD thing. This is a matter of adults who were bullied and now work for one of the most creative and successful companies in the world.

    They overcame their problems, in part by sticking it out, by not committing suicide, by sharing their secret.

    This isn't about everyone wins at T-ball, this is about surviving.

    I'm not against the message of encouraging people to reach out for help in a time of need, or helping those under the stress of bullying to realize that it gets better. Though, I am curious why a commercial company is attaching itself to a particular community? If Apple participated in a video that supported a community of people believing that marriage should be between only a man and a woman, the LGBT community would be outraged. Why alienate customers that may have strong opinions on the subject, no matter which side they're on?

    So, it's ok for corporations to make political contributions, but it's wrong for employees to band together and make social statements? Apple has always been a company that "Thinks Different" and they've also been at the forefront of offering benefits to same sex partners. It shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone that they support gay causes.

    Why you would think that this video, done voluntarily by a handful of employees is a bad thing is beyond me.

    I'm gay, in my late 40s and was bullied some in school. I can only imagine what a video like this could have done for me. I'm not as politically strident as LeeKohler, but the Trevor Project has struck a deep chord in me and I totally fail to understand how anyone can be against this project. It's real people, telling their own stories, why is that wrong?

    new york skyline tattoo. new york skyline tattoo. new
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  • P-Worm
    Sep 20, 07:22 AM
    Well, the shape of the USB port suggests that it is for attaching another device to the iTV, and not for attaching the iTV to your Mac.

    If the iTV doubles-up as an Airport Express, then maybe the USB port is for attaching a printer.


    Sorry, I was too vague. I meant that there is a lot of talk about how this thing can't be a DVR because there are only output jacks. I don't see why those component and audio jacks can't be both input and output.


    new york skyline tattoo. new york skyline tattoo.
  • new york skyline tattoo.

  • matticus008
    Mar 20, 02:53 PM
    The first part of you statement is not a very intelligent one. If you believe a law to be immoral or against the freedom of the people then it is your duty especially in this country to stand up against it, not cower away and create a separate place to dwell. If everyone took your stance then when major changes need to happen to our laws people would have gathered together to leave the country instead of trying to work and fix the problem and raise awareness of the problem.

    Yes, they would. Most countries are started because the old one was unjust or inadequate in some regard. Working to change the law is not the same as breaking the law. You have every right to write to your Congressmen, lobby whomever you'd like, and voice your protest against the law. You do not have the right to break it.

    Bound? Yes. But that does not mean I abdicate my responsibility to T-H-I-N-K for myself. You seem to be happy letting those who pass laws think for you. I care about my own life and sanity a bit too much to let others tell me how to live. Thank you very much.
    You can think for yourself all you like, but the law is still the law. If you choose to break it, then you choose to break it, but that does NOT make the law irrelevant. You are breaking the law. That is my only point.

    Glad you belive this junk. I don't. but then, I think for myself. You do make me laugh with the whole "protect the weak" nonsense. Let me guess, the RIAA are protecting the weak again those strong 13 year-olds who want to listen to free music. Riiiiight.

    PS: Your basic social theory has led to a world order ruled by the strong over the weak
    If you'd read more carefully, you would see that I didn't say that we aren't living in a society dominated by the strong. You would see that I was pointing out that no laws at all would make the situation even worse. The RIAA is not the government or the law. They might have successfully lobbied for it, but the law is well within their rights as the owners of the music. Take a step back and look at the rest of the law. Are murderers caught and taken away? When people steal something from you, are they not caught and not prosecuted? Do people regularly go around, shooting and stealing, with no one to stop them? The answer might be "sometimes," but with your "think for yourself attitude" the answer would be "all the time." People would do whatever they had the power to do, because there would be no consequences and no one to protect the weak at all. The main point of that part of my answer was to point out your argument failure: the fallacy of argument from ignorance (that your own evidence can be used AGAINST you, rendering it invalid).

    By that logic, women would still not be able to vote. Look at other societies that do not allow people to protest "unjust" laws. Compare where they stand to where we stand. I am simply trying to take us further still down the road of freedom for all humans. Anything that acts to restrict the natural association of humans is a Bad Thing�. DRM, by definition, falls into this category.
    That, sir, is a load of crap. The law allowed only men above 21 to vote. Women were not covered in that. Therefore, the rights of women were constricted. This is not the case. You have "fair use" laws, and DRM laws to protect fair use. The DRM laws do not narrow your scope of access to those "fair use" laws--and if you have a problem with fair use, bring it up with someone who will do something about it. You also don't live in a society where you are not allowed to protest. Sit ins and marches during the Civil Rights movement were entirely legal forms of protest for the most part. "Anything that acts to restrict the natural association of humans" is NOT a bad thing. Again, the reason we have society is because we have rule of law. Restrictions on actions protect the freedoms of others who cannot secure those freedoms on their own. DRM has nothing to do with "the natural association of humans," either, so I don't know where you're going here.

    Again, I am bound by these laws but I do not need to AGREE with them. Do you agree with them? [That is a direct question btw.]

    All actions (free or not free) require sacrifices. So what is your point?
    It doesn't matter whether you agree with them or not. You don't have the right to break them. I do believe in the law, I believe DRM protects artists in theory, and I do not believe that people have any excuse for breaking the law in this case. It is not a social injustice, it is not a repressive law, and it is not your natural right to do whatever you want with something that does not belong to you (the music of others). I believe that DRM is flawed because not every stereo, car, computer, music player, cell phone, PDA, internet appliance, and jukebox in existence is compatible with one another, making it difficult to listen to your music in all of those environments. But the competition is the best form of "free association" available: you're given a choice how to get your music. Not all of it works with all of your devices, but that part is up to you. If I buy a book written in Russian, it's my fault that I can't read Russian and assuming I can't translate it (which is very time consuming), I have to buy it again in English. That's the way it is, and it doesn't infringe on anyone's freedoms.

    Option C (Something Different): Think for yourself and live life according to your own laws

    I will take C cuz it allows for both A & B while reserving my ability to think for myself.
    Neither options A nor B restrict your ability to think for yourself. What option C does is make you liable to punishment and prosecution. Live life how you feel is best, but understand that if and when you choose to break a law (we all do it, and speeding is a perfect example), you might benefit from it, but you also have to prepared to pay the fines when you get caught. Do I really care about people stealing music? No, I'm not the RIAA. Do I think it's ridiculous that people can rationalize it to the point where they think they're entitled to it, or that it's acceptable to break the law for their own convenience, or worst of all, that they're not really even breaking a law? Abso-freaking-lutely.

    new york skyline tattoo. new york skyline tattoo. new
  • new york skyline tattoo. new

  • Xtremehkr
    Mar 18, 09:35 PM
    iTMS exists to sell iPods yes. But, if iTMS does not do something to protect the profits of those who allow iTMS to sell their songs then they will stop supplying iTMS with songs to sell.

    There was a way to get around this before, but it was only used by a minority of people and considered an acceptable loss I guess.

    What you have here is someone who is internationally advertising a way to beat copyright protections through iTMS, which hurts Apple as it may affect suppliers of music to iTMS.

    There were ways to beat iTMS before and the best way was to avoid it altogether and use a P2P software.

    This to me is different however. It is a direct attack on Apple aimed at disuading music labels from providing iTMS with songs to download.

    In this instance I stand with Apple, as the MP3 market heats up, one of the determining factors in who people choose to buy their music from is going to be exclusive content. Labels are not going to release material to distributors who cannot assure that their material won't be easily pirated.

    *If they fix this hole and leave everything else in place there really is no problem*

    The songs iTMS sells are not their own! iTMS is a middleman that is not guaranteed access to the product that it resells. An essential part of selling iPods is being able to offer current music to play on them. iTMS needs to protect its ability to resell the music needed to use on iPods.

    new york skyline tattoo. new york skyline tattoo. new
  • new york skyline tattoo. new

  • SFStateStudent
    Oct 7, 11:31 PM
    Let me see; was android even considered an "iPhone Killer" or a wannabe? This makes me laugh....:rolleyes:

    new york skyline tattoo. new york skyline tattoo.
  • new york skyline tattoo.

  • Gelfin
    Mar 27, 07:42 PM
    I agree: There's a place for that kind of therapy. I even know people who felt conflicted about their sexual orientation. Unfortunately, the conflict caused them some of the severest emotional pain I could imagine.

    The goal of any ethical psychological treatment is only to treat the conflict that causes pain. The patient is considered healthy when his thoughts and behaviors do not interfere with his ability to lead a fulfilling life, not when he changes his thoughts and behaviors to ones endorsed by the therapist. Anything else is abuse of the patient and psychological malpractice.

    To tell someone who is in conflict over his sexual orientation that he must change it to be well is no different than telling an anorexic to lose more weight so she doesn't feel so fat. It is indulging the conflict to produce conforming behavior rather than treating the conflict to produce a healthy patient.

    new york skyline tattoo. These of the New York Skyline
  • These of the New York Skyline

  • SandynJosh
    May 2, 03:44 PM
    All macs do have built-in anti-malware:
    Don't know how good it is, though.

    NOTHING built-in or installed later will protect a computer if the user is stupid.

    You, as a user, have to be wary of allowing yourself to do what the malware creator needs you to do to circumvent whatever protection your computer has. Oddly enough, there's a large enough number of village idiots with computers of any OS to make it worth writing malware.

    new york skyline tattoo. NY New York Yankees Tattoos
  • NY New York Yankees Tattoos

  • CalBoy
    Mar 27, 07:37 PM
    As I said, Dr. Spitzer disagrees. Please watch his video, CalBoy. I've already posted a link to it in the post where I mentioned Focus on the Family.

    According to you and your internet sources, sexuality can be readily changed by the individual right? So why don't you try changing yours? You don't actually have to have sex with anyone, just will yourself to be attracted to someone of the same sex.

    new york skyline tattoo. new york skyline tattoo.
  • new york skyline tattoo.

  • I'mAMac
    Aug 29, 03:57 PM
    Care to explain that for the rest of us? In what way has UV radition to do with heat radiation?
    This is just logic. uv AND heat are more potent due to o-zone decimation. Let me see if i can think of an example...............................erm ok car windows filter out uv rays and are tinted so they keep out some heat. If the window is closed you are a little more protected and a little cooler, if it is open you are a little more unprotected and hotter. (in summertime when the temperature is hotter and the earth is tilted towerd the sun)

    Mar 13, 11:38 AM
    That is far more destruction than the power station could bring.

    I'm not against nuclear power but it is a bit more difficult to clear up after a bad nuclear leak and the risks to health from that leakage have the potential to be felt for a lot longer.

    Scarlet Fever
    Jul 12, 01:26 AM
    Sorry but I think I have lost hope for OS X
    Funny choice, noting your username...

    Apple can't afford to use anything less that 4 x 2.5GHz for their high-end machine, because on paper, it doesnt look as impressive. If Intel cant get the hardware right, Apple should just upgrade the G5 and wait till Intel can get 16x PCI, 4 cores, etc.

    Just a moment of reflection... a year ago, if someone asked us which Intel chip we thought would find its way into a PowerMac , we would probably curse them for blasphemy :rolleyes: . Now were having a poll, and getting excited about the prospect of Woodcrest chips...

    As to the poster who wished for the Apple Mac, i think that would be brilliant. i want a machine which i can put new parts in, but doesn't cost me an arm to buy. Here, the base model G5 powermac is around 3000, which is out of my price range. If they introduced something like the iMac, but with user replaceable parts, i think they would sell well.

    Oct 29, 11:30 AM
    i wouldnt truly worry about that till it happens. one thing i have learned over the years is that roadmaps never hold up. if they had, we'd all be running dual core 6GHZ G5 or G6 right now, with 10GHZ in production readying themselves for 2007. Intel would have a oentium 5 or something out or their 64 bit itanium with consumes 200W of power. just a year ago, we had laptops with pentium M that wre as fast or faster than pentium 4's. who knows where we'll be in a year or 2 from now. i wont worry about laptop performance until we are behind, not what some roadmap says. years ago clock speed was all the rage, today its multiple cores. what will it be tomorrow? who knows.

    Exactly. Roadmaps are just projections based on what current technology and market trends seem to indicate. Back when Intel and AMD were both deadlocked in the MHz race and were pushing to break the 2GHz barrier, we were hearing claims of 4GHz within a year and 10GHz by '07. Well, '07 is almost here and 4GHz is still just a pipedream in most situations and not something we see without overclocking and aftermarket cooling options. The only thing that we can rely on is that both AMD and Intel have become quite reliable when they officially announce a product is in development and production and they are usually good about when it will arrive and what it will do. Often only missing a release by a matter of a few days to a week or two, even though it was announced nearly 8 months or more in advance. But upcoming products on their roadmap mean little. Nehalem may not even happen... There's been several tentative chip products over the years that appear on a roadmap, only to be replaced by something else later. I think at this point, all those future entries on the roadmap mean is that it's something being investigated. There could be a significant breakthrough tomorrow in nanotech that allows for 28um production industry-wide within the next two years and then you can bet that Intel, AMD and IBM will throw their current roadmaps out the window. So it means nada until they officially start development and testing on a new product...

    Mar 11, 10:07 AM
    the tsunami videos are horrifying. :(

    Apr 24, 12:13 PM
    It's about power and control- nothing more.

    And Fear.

    and money.