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Friday, May 13, 2011

easter bunnies

easter bunnies. Happy Easter, Easter bunnies
  • Happy Easter, Easter bunnies

  • chaoticbear
    Apr 14, 04:36 PM
    Stick shared files on a NAS or in the cloud. Problem solved.

    My last PC laptop decided not to go to sleep one one trip, I put it away in my backpack and when I took it out the battery was drained and the sleeve was discolored by the heat.

    Plus, I just love trying to shut down or log off and be told that Windows needs to install updates. Right now? WTF! If I need to shut you down it's because I need to go. Now.

    This is really better?


    Regarding the first point - we have a NAS set up at home, but trying to format that sucker to where both of our computers could use it, the NAS recognized it, and to where we could stick >4GB files on there was a wreck. At this point, I don't remember what we put each partition in, but I know the onboard BT client only accepted one format, I had to download some tool to make a small partition for that, and then we partitioned the rest as... something. If I ever need to plug directly into my computer for anything, I'm sure it'll be a blast.

    And I don't generally mind the close = sleep behavior, but it'd be nice to have the option, you know? At least my new MBA charges my phone while it's closed; the old MB had to be open. It spent a lot of time open and idle.

    easter bunnies. Spring-Easter-Bunny-1
  • Spring-Easter-Bunny-1

  • matticus008
    Mar 20, 08:41 PM

    Perhaps you should read what you quote:

    legal/illegal and right/wrong do not have to line up with each other in the real world.

    I know this isn't directed at me, but you're right. Right/wrong and legal/illegal aren't matching binaries. However, all things that are illegal are wrong. Whether they are simultaneously right (that is, morally justified) depends on the issue. Some things that are legal can be wrong while being right as well. In extreme cases, the morally right thing can be in direct conflict with the law, warranting illegal action. In the overwhelming majority of cases, however, something that is "right" while simultaneously against the law is an issue that needs to be dealt with through legitimate change within the system.

    That's why democracies exist--to give the people the ability to change the law and prevent the law from infringing on individual or group rights. The law, in this case, is not one of the extreme situations and there is not legitimate harm/reason to break the law except that it's easier and more convenient. There is no moral offense being committed by the law, and undermining the rule of law is not a justifiable offense over something as trivial as music use rights. In other words, it might be morally okay to use songs in your wedding video, but it's not morally okay to break the law in order to put them there when you have legal means of either doing so (which is the case--buy the CD) or to change the law to allow it (unnecessary here).

    easter bunnies. Easter bunnies and chicks.
  • Easter bunnies and chicks.

  • R.Perez
    Mar 13, 04:00 PM
    The biggest wind farm in the world provides around 2MW/km^2. Your 100milesX100miles plant would only provide around 52 000MW (52GW) of power with same ratio. USA's power consumption in 2005 was 29PWh. I don't know how exactly this things can be converted but Fukushima I has installed power of 4.7GW and provides 25.8GWh each year while the biggest wind farm has installed capacity of 781MW. The plant you described would be around 10 times more powerful than the Fukushima but even then, it could provide around 250GWh which is a fraction of 29PWh.

    If someone knows how to convert these things properly or has more info on this, please educate me/us.

    Did I say at any point time that we should rely on just wind? or solar, or tidal for that matter? A combination of all three is in order here. On top of that re-thinking infrastructure so that at least some of the power can be generated from the home or building itself is in order. i.e. putting solar panels on all new construction. This would reduce the amount of energy needed from centralized sources. Also shifting towards smarter energy consumption would help as well, i.e. using geo-thermal to generate heat instead of oil or electricity and mandating more efficient lightbulbs and appliances.

    easter bunnies. Easter Bunnies 1
  • Easter Bunnies 1

  • greenstork
    Sep 12, 04:50 PM
    There's no need for DVR functionality. Apple will replace your cable subscription. You just subscribe to the shows you want and al la carte other shows after that. Networks will probably even do the season premieres free to get you hooked or add sponsor the shows to make them free. TV on demand is obviously the next wave - even the cable companies know it and have on demand etc. I mean not to be racist but I'm happy to stop paying comcast for the 10+ stations that are in languages I don't even speak. I barely speak english - hahaha.

    In conclusion - its the same data - just different timing.

    Except the quality just won't be there yet with this device. As everyone runs out to buy flat screen TVs this year and next, they're going to get home and want to play iTunes movies only to be completely dismayed by the 640x480 content/quality. 4:3 resolution, yuck :confused:

    I know it's 802.11 and certainly features an HDMI out, but streaming 720p HD TV takes about 480 Mbps of bandwith, according to Ars:http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20060906-7681.html Even 802.11n would have trouble with an uncompressed 720p signal, so quality will most likely be compromised as streaming video is increasingly compressed.

    I'm happy to ditch Comcast's 25 shopping channels, in favor of a paid siubscription model, but I'm guessing that the cable & satellite companies are going to do HD a heck of a lot better than Apple.

    And in the meantime, Apple's selection of TV shows kinda blows. There are one or two that I like that are available, and 10 shows that I love that are completely missing. Until everything I might want to watch is available, there's no way I'm ditching my cable company, and this may never happen.

    Television content providers and producers are beholden to advertisers, who need a medium to peddle their wares. These advertisers hate this Apple subscription model, which I'm guessing is one of the big reasons why the iTV doesn't have any DVR capabilities.

    Those companies that distribute television and movies (like Apple et al.) -- that are in bed with the content providers, don't really support/sell DVRs -- with the possible exception of the cable & satellite companies themselves, who have monopoly-like power.

    I'm sure TiVo would have loved to implement a movie store years ago but the content providers hate TiVo. As cynical as it sounds, the only way you're going to get all of the technological functionality that you want is if you build it yourself or tolerate advertisements.

    easter bunnies. Easter Bunny cartoon 9
  • Easter Bunny cartoon 9

  • awmazz
    Mar 12, 04:16 AM
    Why is this Chernobyl?

    What are the similarities?

    What are the differences?

    What's your background?

    Do you understand why Chernobyl is uninhabitable for several hundred years, while Hiroshima and Nagasaki are thriving, gorgeous cities?

    Did you freak out at the "1000x" radiation levels too, like the rest of the western media did who didn't have the remotest clue that it was still magnitudes below the hazardous level? You certainly buy into the "Huge Explosion!!!" headlines, as evidenced by your post, so it's hard to take anything you say seriously.

    It's a serious situation, but you are panicking a little too much, with next to zero information.

    And inversely, you're way too calm with zero information. Or too trusting. I'll tell you exactly what the similarity is with Chernobyl. Being told by 'experts' that it's safe, nothing to worry about.

    History says I'll turn out to be right and you wrong.

    So if I'm a fool by buying into the 'huge explosion' headline and footage, what are you? Denying there was any explosion at all? This goes back to my first point, I see a huge explosion at a nuclear power plant with my own eyes on my TV screen and the steel skeleton of the girders all that's remaining of the building, and yet here you are an 'expert' claiming there's no problem because I have zero information? WTF?

    Hey, I've been hanging out on the forum for the iPad. But frankly i'm a little confused right now about what i just saw. From appearances (I mean appearances), the nuke plant in Japan BLEW UP, and they are lying about it if they say it's a minor issue. I don't want to believe this . You can see it with your own eyes, but i'm not sure exactly what i'm seeing. Certainly it isn't a small explosion.

    Until I know what's really happening I'm officially, totally, freaked out......Any takers? :D

    Building #4 is apparently totally destroyed by the looks of it, just the skeletal steel structure left standing. Some reports are saying it was just some hydrogen tanks which exploded. The question then is why did any hydrogen tanks explode at all? Because they were depressed and suicidal? Or because some really bad sh** going down in a freaking nuclear power plant made them explode? But according to puma1552 it's nothing to worry about and don't believe your lying eyes because you don't know what rad levels are.. ;)

    easter bunnies. I#39;m a big fan of Easter.
  • I#39;m a big fan of Easter.

  • I'mAMac
    Oct 29, 10:08 AM
    I heard somewhere that the Clovertowns are actually slower than the Xeons, but with 2x as many cores will there be much difference?

    easter bunnies. pictures of easter bunnies to
  • pictures of easter bunnies to

  • Oletros
    Apr 20, 05:26 PM
    It will be interesting 10 years from now to compare the number of viruses that will have occurred on android vs. iOS.

    Zero on both platforms? If they exists in 2.021

    easter bunnies. 2004 easter bunnies.jpg
  • 2004 easter bunnies.jpg

  • Blackcat
    Mar 19, 04:14 PM
    Does iTunes really only sell you a license to the track? Is this in writing anywhere?

    easter bunnies. easter bunny cake decorating
  • easter bunny cake decorating

  • steadysignal
    May 3, 07:24 AM
    so much for the no malware on macs myth :D
    funny how the apple fanboys are getting all defensive :rolleyes:

    funny how your post is at -19.

    easter bunnies. Happy Easter Bunny clip art
  • Happy Easter Bunny clip art

  • Piggie
    Apr 28, 02:10 PM
    Even our PCs are not standalone by that definition, basically needing a Net connection to get much done.

    That makes me smile.. :)

    You must be very young :D

    It's funny as I'm sure the world of computing managed to perform quite well as did I with all my many computers, many many MANY years before the internet was around and in use my the public in any real numbers and we could download pictures of naked ladies :eek:

    A PC can do anything and everything you want, It's a full computer, not a web browser.

    easter bunnies. a chocolate Easter bunny
  • a chocolate Easter bunny

  • Aduntu
    Apr 15, 09:49 AM
    I'm not against the message of encouraging people to reach out for help in a time of need, or helping those under the stress of bullying to realize that it gets better. Though, I am curious why a commercial company is attaching itself to a particular community? If Apple participated in a video that supported a community of people believing that marriage should be between only a man and a woman, the LGBT community would be outraged. Why alienate customers that may have strong opinions on the subject, no matter which side they're on?

    easter bunnies. easter bunny clipart. easter
  • easter bunny clipart. easter

  • Multimedia
    Oct 26, 03:39 PM
    You won't see a Clovertown Mac Pro until after Adobe announces the ship date for CS3. The reasons are simple -- a) most would-be Mac Pro purchasers are holding off until the native version of Creative Suite; I know you may find this hard to believe, but the entire multimedia industry does not revolve around the Adobe Suite of graphics applications. Plus the industry is already rolling with G5 Quads for that work. There are plenty of other products that are way UB multi-core ready and/or would like to be run simultaneously in a fully blown multi-application multi-threaded workload.and b) marketing-wise changing from a dual dual 3 GHz high end to a dual quad 2.66 GHz high end would be seen as a downgrade.Yeah. Professional Mac Pro users can't do the math. :rolleyes:

    4 x 3=12GHz


    8 x 2.66= 21.28GHz

    I wonder which one will get my Multi-Threaded Workload done faster? :confused: :eek:Apple will wait for CS3, and by then there will be a 3+ GHz Clovertown available which will provide for an upgrade that would be much easier to market and sell.I believe you are mistaken. A ton of dual 2.66GHz Clovertowns from various vendors will ship next month. Apple can't be seen as the only major Intel vendor to not ship dual Clovertowns in November and put it off until April or May. They would in effect be passing on an entire selling cycle. That would be business suicide. It would also be impossible.

    Yes there I said it. What you suggest as will be the future is IMPOSSIBLE.

    Oh and welcome to MacRumors. ;) :p :D

    easter bunnies. Easter Bunny Costume Rental
  • Easter Bunny Costume Rental

  • Demoman
    Sep 12, 07:43 PM
    What do you think? Is this going to be part of a component system which may included a Blue-Ray, DVD, Mini...system stackable and user configurable?

    easter bunnies. Easter bunny with eggs
  • Easter bunny with eggs

  • archipellago
    May 2, 04:07 PM
    by default and design, Windows has been more secure than OSX for years now...Google it...!

    Apple has no clue on security, never has had....

    their 4% worldwide marketshare (or it might be less) keeps them safe and even if they weren't the user base is too small to be significant in the malware space.

    A good (russian/chinese) coder can infect as many Windows machines in a week as Apple sell Macs in a year!!!

    Wait for the first real iOS bust, it's coming...... so much money out there to hackers to make it work.

    easter bunnies. Easter Rabbits cartoon 9
  • Easter Rabbits cartoon 9

  • jettredmont
    May 2, 11:50 AM
    I haven't seen this malware first hand, but a zip file can be made with absolute paths, making "unzipping" the file put everything where it needs to be to start up automatically on next log in/reboot.

    Who's the brainiac who made zip files "safe" ?

    I don't believe the default .zip file handler will expand these zip files correctly. It will only unzip inside its own folder. At least, that used to be the case. Perhaps there is an exploitable bug there which has cropped up more recently.

    I suspect they are taking advantage of one of the other security holes in OS X to get items added to login items, etc. Presumably this is at the user level only so I'm not sure even a "standard" user will be less at risk (there are minor differences between admin and standard users, such as needing permission to add something to /Applications, but if the malware here (it isn't a virus as it doesn't self-propagate; it isn't a trojan as it isn't disguised on entry) relies on that permission it was just poorly written. Each user has an Applications folder that even standard users can write to.

    easter bunnies. Evil Easter Bunny
  • Evil Easter Bunny

  • milo
    Sep 20, 08:16 AM
    For some reason I convinved myself that Apple would only permit videos tagged as originating from their store.

    No way. That would mean that users couldn't even watch their own home movies. Apple would NEVER do that, it would be a huge conflict with their other selling points.

    I hope it will work with all Front Row files, not just iTunes content.

    What would they leave out? Didn't they already say it does photo slideshows?

    What most bothers me about the iTV is that it is a workaround to a PVR instead of embrassing it.

    I'm looking for an integtated system for music, movies and TV, not just downloading a show as needed, but with the inclusion of a full blown PVR.

    I don't think this is too much to ask for.

    Problem is, doing a PVR would be extremely expensive. Other than things like Tivo that have monthly fees, PVR's haven't really caught on, and the price is the biggest reason.

    I really hope that someone from Apple reads these forums, I am sure it gets back to Apple, anyway I hope they do it right. Or there will be alot of disappointed people and money lost.

    That would be the worst idea ever. People on these forums are ALWAYS disappointed, even with products that turn out to be huge sellers for apple. People whine and whine...and then they buy the product anyway.

    I know of at least one company (http://www.itv.com/) in the UK who won't be too happy if they keep that name.

    IT IS NOT THE FINAL NAME. It's only a codename, it will ship with a different name.

    I don't think it would make sense to make a totally great� device and then cripple it by excluding DVR functionality (IMO they already crippled it by excluding DVD player)

    I already have a DVD player. Why the hell would I want to see the price go up even more just to give me redundant technology? Do you complain that your printer doesn't scan documents?

    easter bunnies. an Easter Bunny Collecting
  • an Easter Bunny Collecting

  • nylon
    May 5, 02:25 PM
    I'm really surprised about lack of choice in picking your provider in the US for the iPhone. In most other countries where the iPhone is sold it is carried on every major carrier. In Canada all 4 major carriers have the iPhone.

    easter bunnies. of Easter Bunny Coloring
  • of Easter Bunny Coloring

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 24, 04:52 PM
    such that women are more likely to forget things.

    So, woman are addle-minded?

    I wouldn't wonder, they are kept barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen, all in the service of Allah. And proper schooling is only of-late, and just in certain 'forward' Islamic countries.

    I declined to read any further.

    easter bunnies. Woes of Being an Easter Bunny
  • Woes of Being an Easter Bunny

  • balamw
    Apr 6, 11:04 AM
    Firefox. MS Excel. MS Word. Notepad. Photoshop. Lightroom. TeamViewer.

    These are a wash, you can pretty much do what you can do in Windows on the Mac. Though I would suggest a better text editor, something like Notepad++ for Windows or TextWrangler on the Mac. Some particular features of MS Office may be a bit different so you'd have to be more specific about how you use Excel/Word.

    Web development, website management, domain name management

    MS FrontPage (yep, really). Slysoft AnyDVD and CloneDVD.
    Domain Name software (Windows only).

    These may be a problem. While there may be equivalents. The fact that you are still using FrontPage may be an indication of resistance to change. Of course you could use all of these on a Mac in a Windows VM or Boot Camp install. (Or via TeamViewer on a regular PC).

    Wordpress. CuteFTP.

    IIRC Wordpress is unix based and would be perfectly at home on Mac OS X, and there is a CuteFTP version for the Mac and many other FTP clients that may be more Mac-like, like CyberDuck.

    Don't try to think - how would a PC do this, just think - if I wanted to do this how would I logically do it and you'll find that 9 x out of 10 that is the way it "just works!"

    This. Though there are exceptions. As iCole suggests taking a screenshot out of the box is a bit counter-intuitive when the keyboards lack a "print screen" button. :p However you can do that using Preview or Grab.


    Apr 9, 09:11 AM
    Nope didn't escape me, I just don't agree with you or think it's worth discuss products that don't exist yet and comparing them to ones that do. That's not a "it's not fair" issue, that's a "stop suggesting a product you can't buy is better than one you can". You've not used one for any period of time that is meaningful, stop listing it as a better gaming experience.

    Apr 23, 04:03 PM
    I believe in God or a higher power as some would call it.

    However, I do understand atheists and people who ask, "Is there a God if this or that terrible event happens?" (war, gang violence, greedy corporations, etc.)

    People know where I stand when I quote them John 3:16 from the Bible and once anybody reads the Bible in its context in the New Testament, they will realize that God is not a referee and we have our free will. Part of free will is having the human race run things and so far, things have been pretty bad.

    The hope is, some say (including me), is that the human race may come to the conclusion that man is the most evil species (and destructive species) ever to live on this planet. We as a species don't deserve to be on top of the food chain.

    Let's just say for a second there is no God. Then what a sad planet we live on if the future is up to us humans. my two cents

    That being said, there is a lot of good people on earth, perhaps a majority of people. But the evil people, especially the ones with power/money/weapons, are more than enough to destroy this planet and frankly, I am surprised we are still here. I could say it's because God intervened but since the departure of Christ, and before the second coming, the human race is all alone on this planet and in the way of any maladies we create for ourselves. Who knows if God is letting us alone to learn a lesson, or learn to treat each other better, but the process has been painful of man trying to govern themselves and simply get along with each other and the environment they live in.

    Mar 28, 12:10 PM
    Being-green-eyed isn't part of your essence. Neither is being-homosexual. But If you lost one or more essential properties, i.e., one or more parts of your essence, you would stop existing.

    Being-H20 is an essential property that water has. Something is water if and only if it's H2O. All water is H2O, and all H2O is water. So if you remove one or more atoms from any water molecule, then you destroy that water molecule, and it stops existing. After all, nothing can be both water and not water at the same time.Your arguments are becoming more bizarre by the minute. I have no idea what you are on about. What is this "essence" of which you speak? :confused:

    Oct 26, 09:59 AM
    MacOSX scales very poorly compared to (say) Linux, Irix, or AIX, owing to its Mach underpinnings.

    Tiger was the first big step in breaking the monolithic threading model of the BSD layer that was inherited from BSD (not a MACH issue). Leopard is going beyond that in a few key areas, for example to allow better efficiency on high-core count per socket systems.

    XNU handles multiple cores just fine but improvements can always be made and they are being made.

    8 cpus won't get you much over 4 until Apple rips out the Mach guts and replaces it.

    That is simply false. The schedular in Mac OS X handles 8 cores just fine... what Applications do with them in a different story.

    Oct 10, 04:06 AM
    Originally posted by ryme4reson
    <EDIT> I am gonna try to run this on my brothers 333 celeron on a 66MHZ bus with 320 RAM, I know my 933 is not the fastest, but maybe it just found its competition. :) </EDIT>
    I had a friend run my C# implementation on his 333MHz Celeron o/c'ed to 375MHz. His result was 108085. *GASP!* 375 MHz Celeron BEATS 933MHz PowerPC G4 (no L2/L3). This is interesting.