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Saturday, October 17, 2009

How To Get Free Traffic To Your Website

How To Get Free Traffic To Your Website

Without traffic going to your website or blog you are never going to make any money nor generate any leads. There are a number of different companies offering to send massive traffic to your site but the majority of them are not worth the money and to top it off you may be penalized from Google for using them. Through the time I have spent online over the last few years I have come upon a number of different tools and ways to bring your blog or website out of the dark and into the light.

1. Stumbleupon - Stumbleupon is a great free service that allows users to share their favorite sites, photos and videos with like minded people. Basically anything you can think of Stumbleupon has a large group of people sharing the same realm of information.

2. Twitter - If you do not know what Twitter is chances are this is the first time you have ever been online. Most people make the mistake of following everybody and anybody but with the right tools you can make your search and build your following from specific targets which increases the chances of your fellow Tweeters rushing back to your site. The right article on Twitter can generate a steady stream of traffic to your site and again free of charge.

3. Commenting - Find other people's sites and blogs and leave a good comment. Readers of the blog will see your comment and follow you back to your own site. Make sure the comment is real and fits the article that you are commenting on to get the best traffic results. More than one top blogger has suggested thirty comments on thirty (different) blogs for thirty days which is a great idea which will dramatically increase the back links of your own blog/website and this tends to make the big search engines happy which in turn means more traffic to your site.

Getting traffic is essential to the success of a website/blog but the right kind of traffic is much more important. Does not make a lot of sense going after anyone and everyone when you can concentrate on generating specific traffic which will bring your site/blog to the next level.

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