Just a quick couple of notes for everyone on this Saturday afternoon --
First off, thank you for the reader support of Purple Asteroid Cadillac. Due to the popularity of our last post, we kept it as our headliner for two solid days -- a C.C.I first. Hopefully we'll get a nice re-cap of their show yesterday with the Uniphonics.
Second off, we've got articles in the making, highlighting the works of Heath Morris, Solo clothing line, the up-and-coming Sweat Power festival, as well as more original mixtape information. It'll be a pretty nice week for all of us at the Industry, which means it'll be some pretty good readin' for all of ya'. Keep checkin' in -- we've got goodies for everybody.
Finally, we never got around to doing a new edition of 'Employee of the Week'. --
Denver Nuggets' basketballa', J.R. Smith, quickly solved that for us. It's pretty rare for YouTube to catch a glimpse of a man taking flight quite like this. Seriously -- look where his feet leave the ground. Plus, he just put that defender on a poster. Poor guy.
I'm gonna go venture out of the office for a bit -- Like I mentioned, this should be a solid week, and I'm PUMPED about some of this Sweat Power showcase we'll throw up here. Keep stoppin' by, and be sure to leave us a kind word or two!
-C.C.I. xx
-C.C.I. xx