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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Pricey Nicki Minaj Concert

A Nicki Minaj concert recently held in Trinidad has drawn outrage from some government officials, who claim that the island nation was grossly overcharged for the event.

Nicki Minaj was part of the "Localise Itt" concert this past October, which included a fashion show featuring local designers, performers and artists.

According to Diego Martin's Central MP Amery Browne questioned the $825,000 spent to organize the show, $382,000 of which went to Nicki Minaj and her entourage.

The concert was organized by Sport and Youth Affairs Minister Anil Roberts, who revealed that the costs for the concert.

Expenses included $150,000 for advertising, $75,000 for the venue, infrastructure and stage, $60,000 to produce the fashion show, $60,000 for the Hilton Hotel where Nicki and her entourage stayed, $40,000 for the local acts, #$32,000 to the Copyright Organization of Trinidad and Tobago and $26,000 for "cultural acts."

MP Amery Browne has called for an official audit of Anil Roberts' office and another for the promoter of the concert, Daryl Braxton of D Project Records.

“Five weeks before the concert, the Localise Itt concept was only in my head and I shared it with Cabinet. Now, Localise Itt is on everyone’s lips,” Roberts said in defense of the pricey concert.

Additionally, Roberts claimed the expenditures were justified, because of the exposure the Trinidad and Tobago stands to gain, based on being featured in Nicki Minaj's new documentary being aired on MTV.

According to Browne, the Nicki Minaj concert was so expensive, there was no funding left to hold other community related events, including a health fair and a peace march.