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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Local Swag #2

Oh man! I get home from another tiring day at the Industry, runnin' on 3-4 hours of sleep, and I see this little gem poppin' up left and right. Gives me some hope for our local town swagger.

Final verdict?
He says it himself -- "Lane Weaver : Synonymous with dopeness".

All you cats with eagle eyes, peep this video at around 1:49. Yeah boy; that's some Fooch right thar'. Look for his material (as well as his absolute ballin' crew, Purple Asteroid Cadillac) to pop up soon enough on Captain Captain Industries. I just need to get some time to do them some blog-justice.

Anyways, I'm sweatin'. Just got done testin' out the new leopard-print bike around ze loop trail. I'll see you at work tomorrow.

No excuses, phone-ins, etc.
C.C.I xxx