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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

To the Month of November --

From a snowball, to an avalanche, Captain Captain Industries has finally begun to pick up steam. From exclusive video premieres, to top-of-the-line album releases, and even the various .jpeg's we pick up from the forgotten corners of the internet, November has truly been a month of triumph for the Industry.

December has quite the act to follow. We'll have many more original concepts, ideas, and of course, more local premieres than you'll know what to do with.

Here's to you November -- We all at the Industry salute you.

(Reader's note : You know the previous post about Lane Weaver, Fooch, and Naledge? That's been our best flow of traffic yet. We averaged around twenty-something people an hour for quite a bit. That's better than the four or five clicks a day that we received back in September. Handy tools like the FaceBook Sharing Button at the top right of the screen have made this whole blog possible. Without you frequenters, I'd just be talking to myself. Thank you for making this the best month ever here at Captain Captain Industries.)

So long, November!
C.C.I xx