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Monday, November 23, 2009

Full Wealthy Affiliate University Review

In this article I am going to provide a full review of Wealthy Affiliate University so chances are it is going to be pretty long. I am a member of Wealthy Affiliate University which is good for this particular review as I can get into all of the places that are not normally seen by the general public. Due to the amount of material and tools offered to members of Wealthy Affiliate University this article is going to be broken down into subsections to make sure that I cover everything.

After You Login To Wealthy Affiliate University

As soon as you loging to Wealthy Affiliate University you are greeted by the homepage which contains blocks of information from what is currently hot on Clickbank to jobs being offered on the job board to what is happening on the Wealthy Affiliate University Platinum Forum to what are the hottest trends on Google and Yahoo to how your own affiliate program is going. Along the top of the home page is the different areas of the Wealthy Affiliate University website each containing a list of a number of specialized programs. Well now that we are in the front door lets keep looking around.

Wealthy Affiliate University Training Center

I purposely skipped my own section of Wealthy Affiliate University which is called My WA for it contains my goals, strategies, campaigns and a brief educational brief about PPC, Affiliate Networks and keyword lists which is just a place to keep all of my work together. Once you are in the Wealthy Affiliate Training Center you are greeted by a list of the hottest tutorials at the money, what other WAU members are reading, brand new resources and a history of what tutorials you have already read. The first item of the Wealthy Affiliate University Training Center drop down list is Article Marketing so we will go there first.

(A) Article Marketing - As with every area of the training center it is started off a video about beginning with article marketing which gives you all of the ins and outs on how this form of internet marketing works. Once you finish with the video there are 103 different tutorials covering every possible aspect of article marketing and how you can use it to make money online. Along with the tutorials there are also the related tools that are available and free to Wealthy Affiliate University members which in this case is Rapid Writer - Content Spinner and a long list of keyword one can use to promote Wealthy Affiliate.

(B) Email Marketing - Again there is the overview video. In this section there are thirteen tutorials that go through different techniques one can use when using email marketing. Not a whole heck of a lot in this section but email marketing is not the preferred method at Wealthy Affiliate University.

(C) PPC aka Pay Per Click - Of course first there is the overview video. There is a lot of information about PPC and enough tutorials to keep you reading for a couple of hours. The related tools in this section are Pay Per Click Network List and Affiliate Program list.

(D) Research - Everyone who has spent time in affiliate marketing knows that the money starts and ends with proper research. There is the overview video of the proper methods of research and over forty tutorials on all of the secrets, skills and techniques when it comes to proper research. The tools linked to this section are the WA Keyword Research Tool and List Builder, NicheQ Professional Research Tool, and the Clickbank Resource Tool.

(E) Search Engine Optimization aka SEO - SEO is a major part of whether or not your campaign is going to be a success or not even though it is a royal pain in the butt. Again there is an overview video along with 16 tutorials covering Search Engine Optimization. The tool for this section is the Rapid Writer Content Optimizer.

(F) WA System Tutorials - This section is meant to provide instruction on all areas of Wealthy Affiliate University and all of the free tools that come with the membership. I will get to the tools later on in this full Wealthy Affiliate University review.

(G) Web Hosting - Along with your membership to Wealthy Affiliate University they provide free hosting to as many domains as you like. This section of the training center covers the normal procedures associated with web hosting from how to publish your own websites to uploading information to your sites and how to deal with any problem related to web hosting.

(H) Website Development - This section deals with the creation and improvement of your websites. There is a bunch of little things that most people miss when they develop their own websites and this section in the Wealthy Affiliate Training Center makes sure that nothing is missed. With over fifty tutorials just for this one area you have no excuses from developing the perfect website. The tools connected to this section are the Site Rubix Website Builder (which is incredible by the way) and free website templates downloads.

That wraps it up for the Wealthy Affiliate Training Center and as you can see there is a ton of information in every category to make you completely well rounded when it comes to making money online. If they sold each tutorial as a E-Book, most tutorials contain more information than your average E-Book written by a so called guru, they could have sold it for thousands but instead they offer a membership fee that is around the same price of one E-Book.

Wealthy Affiliate University Tools And Research Section

Time to move on to a new section and this time it is the tools and resources that are completely free to Wealthy Affiliate University members. The tools which will cost you a fortune if you had to sign up to each one are easily the top resources available anywhere. Lets get going as this will take a while to cover.

(A) Keyword Research Tool - The Keyword Research Tool section actually contains a number of tools all for finding the best keywords for you to use in article marketing, PPC and of course affiliate marketing. The first tool is the keyword research tool which allows you find words and phrases that are related to the product you are promoting than it sends all of the keywords to the second tool which is the Keyword List Builder tool. The keyword list builder tool allows you to save your keywords in special categories which makes it so much easier in the long run especially the amount of time it takes to do proper keyword research (which is taught in the WAU Training Center). The third tool is Competition Spy Tool which allows you to search Google ads to find out which keywords are converting and which are not. Match Type Tool is very similar to Google Adword keyword tool in which you put in a general word or phrase and it matches up a ton of potential keywords that you can use. The last tool in this one sub section is the Phrase Builder where you can put in a number of keyword selections and the Phrase Builder will create three word phrases that you can focus on to give you the edge.

(B) Site Rubix Website Builder - This award winning website creation program is only available to Wealthy Affiliate University members and it is the most powerful yet incredibly simple website builder I have ever seen. You can literally create an incredible website in five to ten minutes and it has the build in feature to upload it to your hosting account. The first time that you try Site Rubix Website Builder you will refuse to use anything else.

(C) NicheQ - This section works that you pick one topic for the month and Wealthy Affiliate University will provide you with absolutely everything that you need to market this niche. I signed up for a stock related niche last month and it came with 30 PLR articles, a complete marketplace report from who is interested in this niche to which areas of this niche are the top performers along with SEO Keyword Concepts, free PLR Guides to give to your readers, to keyword lists and free website templates that best suit this certain niche. I can not wait to see what is coming next.

(D) Wealthy Affiliate Hosting - As I mentioned before each Wealthy Affiliate University member gets free hosting for as many domains as they like. Website hosting normally goes from $7 to $10 a month for each domain so you are saving a ton of money already by becoming a Wealthy Affiliate University member.

(E) My Linker Cloaking Tool - This gives you the ability to completely follow all of your affiliate links and keeping them safe at the same time. Just insert your affiliate link and you are issued a new link to use which will be followed and secure. With complete stats you will know which product that you should be promoting harder and which link needs some attention.

(F) Clickbank Research Tool - Have you heard about those sites that charge a ton of money so you can get all of the information that you need regarding products at Clickbank well Wealthy Affiliate University gives it to their members for free. Clickbank has their own stats but they are missing a number of the important ones such as the refund rate. Clickbank is the top player in Affiliate marketing and with the stats available in this tool you can figure out the right product to promote which will lead you laughing all of the way to the bank.

(G) Rapid Writer - Basically you write one article and with the tools provided it can turn into five more articles which saves you a ton of time when it comes to article marketing. Software like this normally sells for anywhere between fifty to a hundred bucks but it is free to Wealthy Affiliate University members. Rapid Writer makes sure that all of your keywords are used and that the density of the keywords does not surpass the industry three percent.

(H) Turn Key Feeder Sites - This is for the Wealthy Affiliate University Affiliate program which makes it able for you to quickly create websites that are already built and all you have to do is replace your affiliate link to make sure that you get paid for anything that sells on the site. Very easy and very quick to start making money online.

(I) Templates - A dozen templates for you to use for free to get your making money online career going along with complete instructions on how to edit the templates to suit your needs.

(J) Mystery Marketing Blueprint - There is a very successful affiliate program online right now that I am not going to devulge but if you are a member of Wealthy Affiliate University you have complete aspect to 100% of the marketing program that has made some people very rich. Put it this way it is called the $1,000,000 marketing blueprint for a reason.

WA Spaces

The WA spaces is where you get to know your fellow Wealthy Affiliate University members and make connections. People at WAU are very open and there is a ton of experience. Here you can find your partner for the next big thing or just talk about the weather. Totally up to you.

Wealthy Affiliate University Affiliate Program

The Wealthy Affiliate University Affiliate program pays well and if you make enough referrals they will give you tickets for a trip to Las Vegas. Wealthy Affiliate University provides all of the material that you could possibly need and gives courses on how to conduct a article marketing campaign to promote WAU referrals and the best way to use PPC for getting people to join the number one membership site on the net. The educational material just for the affiliate program took me hours and hours to cover.

Wealthy Affiliate University Platinum Forum

The forum is why Wealthy Affiliate University has members who have been around for ages. Lets say that you were in the training center and something does not click so you go to the forum where another member who has already been through it will help you out. Now lets say that you are in the middle of a campaign to sell Snuggies and for whatever the reasons your sales stop again someone at WAU who has gone through it can help out and get you over the hurdle. From discussing the new SEO techniques to getting honest reviews about new products to private coaching from people with a ton of experience the answers are at the Wealthy Affiliate University Platinum Forum. The problem with most forums on the net that revolve around making money is that no one will tell you the small things that separate the successful from the roadkill but at WAU people honestly want to see everyone succeed so everything is discussed openly.

Full Wealthy Affiliate University Review

As you can see by the amount of information that I have provided about Wealthy Affiliate University is that this is the place that makes successful internet marketers. There is no secret to making money online, no golden key but with the right information, the right support and the internal drive to succeed anything is possible at Wealthy Affiliate University. I use to be on a hundred different mailing lists from all sorts of internet gurus who promised to show me the path to success but they never did. All of these so called experts would tell me everything about the outside and all of the same theories over and over again but none told me how to put those pieces together to make a run at it. Wealthy Affiliate University gives you everything that you could need to succeed all in one place.

Time to make that first step to online success by joining Wealthy Affiliate University Today. For a low monthly fee you can stop spending money on E-Books that tell you nothing at all and programs that just make the guy at the top richer. Join Wealthy Affiliate University today and be our next success story