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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Gilbert Arenas Gets Served Child Support Papers During Half Time

The Gilbert Arenas-Laura Govan drama just got embarrassing for Gilbert. He was served child support papers during halftime last night during the Orlando Magic vs. Heat game. Laura, who is pregnant with their fourth child, claimes he abandoned her and their three kids with no support.

The process server handed him the papers as he was walking off the court, . Laura is seeking custody of the children, $109,000 in monthly support payments from Gilbert, as well as $1.3 million annually.

His attorney said: “This is a private matter involving young children. It is inappropriate for Ms. Govan and her attorneys to attempt to turn it into a public spectacle.” To add to the spectacle, in the papers Laura states that she and the kids are currently living in a low-budget hotel in California. A hearing in the case has been set for March 8 in Los Angeles.