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Saturday, January 8, 2011

My Drinking Buddies as NFL Playoff Teams: NFC

You really thought that I would go a whole week without talking about the playoffs?  CMOOOON MAAAAN   Of course, I would talk about them more except 45 hours at Office Max leaves me no time to blog.  Hopefully this gets done before the game starts on Saturday afternoon, but if not... suck it I don't care.  Here we go...

1.) Atlanta Falcons- Grandpa Dan: The reason my friend and member of Snakes R Us makes it as the Falcons is because he is the most conservative 22 year old drinker you will find in Wisconsin. Does he get drunk? Absolutely, but have I ever seen him do something stupid when drinking? Not really, no. It's just like the Falcons. Sure they win a ton of ball games, but do you ever hear someone talk about how good Matt Ryan is?  Not really.  I told him this and the 'no lights' performance came out meaning he hates this title, which means awesome things to come.

2.) Chicago Bears- Fant: This really makes a ton of sense for a variety of reasons. First of all, he is a FIB (one of my favorites though). Second, he is about as unpredictable as the Bears. You never know what you are going to get with him. I always brace myself when I go out with Fant because it wouldn't shock me if I ended up in Eau Claire County Jail. He also has a bit of a tempter sometimes, a lot like Jay Culter getting mad when timeouts are wasted.  Fant also has that quizzical look on his face like Lovie Smith when he has reached blackout stages. 

3.) Philadelphia Eagles- The Ginger: Don't worry Pat this isn't you, it's my friend Bails. He is a couple years older than me, but he could easily out drink me plus parties like he is a fresh 21 year old. Bails had a revitalization in his career a lot like Michael Vick, and both have been awesome to be a part of.  The Ging didn't kill dogs though so that is where the comparison ends. We have had enough rowdy times during sporting events to consider us tough enough to beat us Philly fans. 

4.)  Seattle Seahawks- B-Squared:  Some of you might see this as a shot at my friend Bert but it's not. No, I just don't remember many times where him and I really did some damage together on a Friday night. He gets comfortable and watches the History Channel on Friday night instead of getting faced with his boys.  This is the college equivalent to having a 7-9 team in the playoffs.  I am done talking about it, the only reason I am not raging on it more is because Seattle has been through a lot as a sports town, they need hope.

5.)  New Orleans Saints- Yours truly:  I chose the Saints because I see them as one of the flashier teams in the 2011 playoffs. I like to think that I am a good dresser, and care about my self image when I head out on a weekend night thus flashy. The Saints have that flashy aspect by the way they play football by chucking the ball up and down the field.  The Saints also have Who Dat, I created S.E.C. and brought STEEEEVE calls to Eau Claire, this fits and I'm done talking about myself

6.) Green Bay- Schac Attack:  Schac who is a frequent commenter on the blog is my choice for the hallowed Packers. The reason is we do not drink enough together.  Whenever we do, it's a great time and it's a strong force like the Packers performances against the New York Giants, and Minnesota Vikings. But it doesn't happen enough, leaving us at inconsistent points of our career. A lot like the Packers struggles against Detroit and Washington.  Also he gets this spot, just because I still remember watching the Pack with him as young'ns and he took it more serious than me, hard to do. 
