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Monday, September 28, 2009

TweetAdder Review

I downloaded TweetAdder about a week ago as I have heard nothing but positive things about the product and surprisingly it has lived up to the hype. A week ago I had maybe 250 followers and now I am over fifteen hundred plus the traffic that has come to my sites has had a remarkable jump. TweetAdder makes everything so simple from finding the exact type of tweeter that you want to follow, getting rid of the people who are not following you back and making sure your twitter ratio stays in check. What TweetAdder has done to me is give me the time to work on my blogs instead of spending hours trying to find the right user and the other day to day boredom it takes to create a successful Twitter account. Twitter popularity is only going to increase and as a web site owner you need to be ready and prepared for the potential traffic that is out there and claim your portion. Without a doubt TweetAdder is the best Twitter management program out there.

Click Here To Go To TweetAdder