Raul Torres: The first thing we knew was that we'd have to look natural up there, but we're little guys, so we needed disguises. Basically, we would try to look like support staff.
DA: It's hot in Los Angeles. I don't know if you know this, but there's a rumor that if you stand in one place in Los Angeles for more than 15 seconds, the chemical make-up of your body can change. That's why Mickey Rourke looks like he does. Anyways, we figured we didn't want to be dying up there, so a t-shirt and some dad shorts was the way to go.
RT: Right after the last game, Darren and I ordered the championship shirts that were being advertised, figuring that lots of people around the stage would have them on. We were right.
DA: The worst part was getting in the stadium. Security was so intense they actually had to call Vin Diesel back in to be a bouncer. If you've seen the new Fast and Furious, you'll know why he jumped at the job.
RT: Once we got past Vin, it was easy to get on stage. The shirts and shorts were perfect, and when we put on sunglasses we looked like anybody else who didn't look like they belonged on stage.
DA: The thing that really stood out to me was how bad Shannon Brown smelled. I mean, I would have expected it from Vujacic, but Shannon looks pretty well-groomed. Must have been the humidity.
RT: Yeah, I noticed that too. I always thought those stink lines you see in cartoons were just a joke, but if you paid attention, you could actually see, like, ripples of odor coming off of him. It was a little disturbing. But I guess that explains why they call him "Stanky Leg."
DA: Other than Stanky Leg, everyone else was cool. I thought it was weird that Lamar Odom wore his pajamas, but he's a strange guy. I'm pretty sure he brought a ferret with him too.
RT: He definitely had his ferret with him, and I can't be sure because he was pretty far away, but I think he called it Lamar.
DA: All in all, it was a great time. I'm really glad we got to experience it from so close, even if we did have to deal with Shannon Brown.
RT: Would I do it again? Probably. I just hope they figure out how to get rid of that smell.