Honestly. I figured all Jazz fans might want to stock up on underwear for this roadtrip...I have. I needed them tonight too.
This is the best value pack I could find.

We barely pulled this one out. I can't take any more games like this. Watching these games are like watching a nice old 90 year old man trying to run across the street to make the light and about half way through you see him start to lose his balance. Of course there is a lady on her cell phone coming to the intersection not paying attention. Everything goes into slow motion and you are frozen. There is nothing you can do to help this poor old man. You want to honk, but you're afraid it will scare him and he'll fall for certain. Why didn't he just wait for the next light? Right when he is doing good his legs leave him and you know he is going down. You can't watch. You close your eyes and the world stops. You hear a horn. You look up and there he is on the other side of the street. And you ask yourself...how in the hell did that happen? He was a gonner.
Yeah that was this game.
Speaking of crossing the street, here's a time killer for you.
Final Score: Jazz 114, Bucks 110
We won on the road and that is all that matters.