1st Half
Move over Paul, I have a new man crush...and he goes by Kyrylo Fesenko, or Fes in my living room (and everyone elses, just wanted to make it sound like I made it up).

I am blown away by AK right now. Talk about showing up.
Deron needs a big game on national TV to make up for his lame showing against the Hornets. He's off to a great start tonight.
2nd Half
I am sick of Kobe's face. Not only because I hate him, but I'm just really sick of looking at it. I swear that guy gets 50 close up camera shots a game. Honestly, I just get bored looking at it. Did Giricek go and get a part time job working the Double Shot booth at Lagoon? Because I haven't seen him for a while. How about Paul Millsap playing center. Love it. I bet it makes other tall centers feel like duxes. Getting out rebounded by a 6'7 guy. I bet they go back to their bench and justify getting out rebounded "dude, he's got long arms though".
Here is a picture of Kobe doing a double fisted pelvic thrust to some platinum blond in the crowd wearing a number 8 Kobe jersey. "It's okay baby, the only number you need to worry about is 911". Side note: I loved the boos the crowd was giving to Fish every time he touched the ball. Hey Fisher, we all see right through your lies. Not only are you bad at lay-ups, but you couldn't even look into the camera at your press conference and just tell the truth. Pathetic. (I'm not bitter, just open about my feelings.)
The Jazz obliterated the Lakers tonight. Keys to the game:
1. Holding Kobe under 30
2. Playing Fesenko more than 5 minutes
3. AK-47 and his 20 pts
4. AK-47 and his 11 assists
5. AK-47 and his 11 rebounds
6. Jazz had 14 steals (AK-47 had 6)
Not much else to say other than my Jazz Affair is in full force right now.
Final Score: Jazz 120 Lakers 96
Number of proud tears I shed for Fes tonight: 3